Chapter 6: Helping Dre'

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Two days later......

Katrina's POV

Two days have passed and I have been staying with Jackson. We were both worried about Dre' and we were glad that she was gonna pull through but she's gonna have to miss a couple weeks of work and Jackson didn't think that Dre' was gonna like that. He told me that Dre' has never missed a day of work and doesn't like missing work. "Too bad." I said. We got a call this morning that Dre' was being released from the hospital today. It's seven thirty in the morning. I packed all off my bags and put them in my car and I grabbed Keon and put him in his car seat. I got into the car and waved goodbye to Jackson.

"Tell Andrea to call me when she gets home." he said.

"Ok. I will." I said.

We left to go to the hospital and it took me an hour to get there. When we arrived, I found a parking space.  I got out of the car and took Keon with me. We walked to the entrance and went to Dre's room. When we got there, a woman was in her room and Dre's bed was empty. 

"Katrina?! It's me! Dre's cousin, Angelique. Girl, I haven't seen you since we graduated high school together!"

"Angel Watson?!" I squealed.

"Yasss, gurl!" She squealed.

We hugged each other and talked some more. She told me that she was married and has two twin boys. She's also a nurse and works in home health care. Angel and I have been friends since we were ten. We used to do each other's hair and makeup. We always stayed up late talking on the phone and we always snuck out to go the hottest parties to check out the cutest boys that we went to school together. God, I miss those days. Actually, those were some crazy times in our lives then.

"Hey, Where's Dre'?" I asked.

"Getting a checkup by the doctor. She'll be back in a few minutes. Her bags are packed and she told me that you were picking her up and bringing her home. I just wanted to make sure she gets home safe. I still can't believe this happened to Dre'. I'm just glad she's ok and you too. Dre' told me what happened. Enough of the sad stuff, who's this cutie pie?" she said.

"This is Mr. Keon Martin. Can you say hi to mommy's friend?" I asked him.

"Hi." he said.

"Hey handsome. You gonna break a lot of girls hearts with those good looks when you get older. You look just like your mama." she said.

We talked some more until Dre was wheeled back in. She look happy to see me and Keon. 

"Heyyy! Y'all been waiting for me?" she asked.

"Yeah. Are you ready to get out of here?" I asked.

"Hell yeah! I'm anxious to get back to work too." she said.

"Sorry cuz! You won't going back to work for a couple of weeks." said Angel.

"I got to get back to work and finish this case!" she said.

"You can't and Jackson said to call him when you get home." I said.

"All right." she said.

"C'mon Keon! You sit on Miss Andrea's lap while mommy pushes the chair, ok?" I said.

"Mommy go fast?" he asked.

"Yes, sweetie." I said.

"Hold on tight, little man." said Dre.

Keon giggled and I wheeled them to the entrance of the hospital. Dre signed the papers so she can check out and we went outside. I bought the car around and helped Dre' in the car. I strapped Keon in his seat and drove Dre' to the drugstore to pick up her medication. Then we drove to her house. I remembered her house. I used to come here in the summertime for sleepovers with Dre', Angel, Keshia and Alana. We had a blast hanging out here. Her grandparents were awesome and great cooks. Her grandma did all the baking and the cooking and her grandfather did the frying and grilling. 

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