Chapter 2: My Life As A Housewife

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Katrina's POV

My life is far from perfect. Ever since I married Kevin, it's been hell. I try to protect my son as much as I can. I don't want my son to grow up like his daddy and thinking that it's okay to to hurt a woman that way because it's not. My life wasn't always like this.  My mind flashed once again of how my life used to be before I met Kevin.

Three years ago.....

I just graduated from nursing school a year ago and was offered a full-time job at a hospital here in Atlanta. I was working in home healthcare. I always loved working with elderly people because of my grandmother Etta and my grandfather Eugene. I've been working in the hospital for a year and a half and my social life was going down the drain. My friends were always setting me up on blind dates and they were horrible. Finally I had enough and decided to go to the club with my friends Janice and Amy. We danced and drank cocktails. Then from the corner of my eye, there was this handsome gentleman in a business suit. He had a beer in his hand and smiled when he looked in my direction. He was a tall mocha chocolate looking man. He​ ​was​ ​handsome​ ​as​ ​can​ ​be​ ​and​ ​I​ ​found​ ​him​ ​very​ ​attractive.​ ​He came​ ​over​ ​to​ ​the​ ​bar​ ​and​ ​asked​ ​me​ ​to​ ​dance​ ​with​ ​him.​ ​I​ ​flirted​ ​a little​ ​with​ ​him​ ​and​ ​said​ ​yes.​ ​He​ ​swept​ ​me​ ​off​ ​my​ ​feet​ ​and​ ​made me​ ​laugh.​ ​He​ ​was​ ​so​ ​sweet​ ​and​ ​told​ ​me​ ​his​ ​name,​ ​Kevin​ ​Martin. He​ ​told​ ​me​ ​that​ ​he​ ​owned his own business.​ ​Then​ ​when​ ​the night​ ​was​ ​over​ ​he​ ​asked​ ​me​ ​out​ ​on​ ​a​ ​date​ ​with​ ​him.​ ​We​ ​dated whenever​ ​I​ ​had​ ​time​ ​off​ ​from​ ​work.​ ​He​ ​used​ ​to​ ​pick​ ​me​ ​up​ ​after work​ ​and​ ​sometimes​ ​he​ ​would​ ​bring​ ​me to ​work.​ ​Then​ ​six​ ​months​ ​of being​ ​together,​ ​he​ ​proposed​ ​to​ ​me.​ ​We​ ​got​ ​married​ ​and​ ​I had quit my​ ​job​ ​which​ ​I​ ​regret​ ​doing​ ​because​ ​I​ ​had​ ​no​ ​idea​ ​that my​ ​fairytale​ ​dream​ ​that​ ​I​ ​once​ ​had,​ ​had​ ​turn​ ​into​ ​a​ ​nightmare.​ ​I found​ ​out​ ​I​ ​was​ ​pregnant​ ​with​ ​my​ ​son​ ​Keon.​ ​A​ ​month​ ​after​ ​I​ ​had my​ ​child,​ ​Kevin​ ​changed.​ ​He​ ​started​ ​acting​ ​like​ ​my​ ​father instead​ ​acting​ ​like​ ​my​ ​husband.​ ​He​ ​became​ ​controlling​ ​and abusive.​ ​I​ ​was​ ​not​ ​allowed​ ​to​ ​have​ ​friends​ ​or​ ​family​ ​over.​ ​I wasn't​ ​allowed​ ​to​ ​speak​ ​with​ ​them​ ​either.​ ​I​ ​was​ ​living​ ​in​ ​hell​ ​and all​ ​I​ ​had​ ​was​ ​my​ ​son​ ​to​ ​protect.​ ​​ 

​It's​ ​Monday​ ​morning​ ​and​ ​this​ ​is my​ ​typical​ ​day.​ ​I​ ​wake​ ​up​ ​at​ ​six​ ​in​ ​the​ ​morning​ ​and​ ​make breakfast​ ​for​ ​Kevin​ ​then​ ​I​ ​ironed​ ​his​ ​clothes​ ​and​ ​polished​ ​his shoes.​ ​Then​ ​I​ ​make​ ​his​ ​lunch​ ​and​ ​Kevin​ ​leaves​ ​the​ ​house​ ​at​ ​8.​ ​I wake​ ​my​ ​son​ ​up​ ​and​ ​feed​ ​him​ ​breakfast.​ ​Then​ ​I​ ​clean​ ​him​ ​up and​ ​changed​ ​his​ ​clothes.​ ​I​ ​let​ ​Keon​ ​watch​ ​cartoons​ ​in​ ​his​ ​batman chair​ ​while​ ​I​ ​clean​ ​the​ ​kitchen​ ​and​ ​I​ ​clean​ ​the​ ​living​ ​room.​ ​Then I​ ​clean​ ​the​ ​bathrooms,​ ​bedrooms,​ ​wash​ ​and​ ​dry​ ​clothes. Sometimes​ ​Keon​ ​helps​ ​me​ ​with​ ​the​ ​clothes.​ ​Then​ ​I​ ​fold​ ​and​ ​hang the​ ​clothes​ ​and​ ​put​ ​them​ ​away.​ ​Then​ ​I​ ​make​ ​lunch​ ​for​ ​Keon.​ ​I made​ ​some​ ​cheeseburgers​ ​and​ ​baked​ ​beans.​ ​Then​ ​I​ ​make​ ​a​ ​salad for​ ​myself.​ ​We​ ​eat​ ​at​ ​the​ ​table​ ​together.​ ​Then​ ​I​ ​put​ ​Keon​ ​down for​ ​his​ ​nap​ ​and​ ​wash​ ​the​ ​dishes.​ ​The​ ​house​ ​is​ ​quiet​ ​and​ ​I​ ​long​ ​for some​ ​adult​ ​conversation.​ ​I​ ​spent​ ​the​ ​rest​ ​of​ ​the​ ​day​ ​on​ ​my computer.​ ​I​ ​went​ ​on​ ​facebook​ ​to​ ​play​ ​games​ ​and​ ​inboxed  Andrea.​ ​I​ ​remembered​ ​I​ ​had​ ​her​ ​card.​ ​I​ ​pulled​ ​it​ ​out​ ​and​ ​decided to​ ​call​ ​her.​ ​I​ ​grabbed​ ​my​ ​cell​ ​and​ ​dialed​ ​the​ ​number. The​ ​phone​ ​rang​ ​and​ ​I​ ​heard​ ​a​ ​voice​ ​on​ ​the​ ​other​ ​line. 

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