Chapter 8: What's The Verdict?

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Andrea's POV

Monday morning......

I have been feeling better and the doctor gave me permission to go back to work. I looked up De'Andre friends and had them arrested. They actually got caught in a drug deal and a shooting gone bad. Two people were wounded and are listed in critical condition. I informed Jackson about it. He was proud of me. The trial was coming up and I know Katrina's nervous about this whole thing. I feeling like she's avoiding me lately because she's constantly working and never home. We also had a talk about her moving out but I don't think she really mean that. To be honest, I don't really want her to move out. I like having someone to come home to. If she leaves, it'll just be my dog and me. I don't want to be lonely again. Today is the trial and the judge will make his verdict. I was dressed and Katrina was making breakfast for me and Keon. Keon smiled when he saw me and said, "Hi, Lady!" I laughed at him and Katrina told him to call me Miss Dre'.  I sat down and Katrina bought the food to the table. We ate and I looked at Katrina. I knew we had to talk.

"Trina, we need to talk." I said.

"About what?" she said.

"About the trial today. Do you know what you're gonna say when you're up there on the stand?" I said.

"Yes, I do. I just don't want face.....Him." she said.

"You won't. When you up there, just look at me and don't look at him. He can't hurt you anymore." I said.

"I know. Angel's gonna be here to pick up Keon and take him to school. So let me clean up and we should be going ourselves." she said.

"Ok. You're ready to go to school, little man?" I asked.

"Yeah!" said Keon.

"What's your teacher's name?" I asked.

"Miss Applebaum. She likes apples." said Keon.

"She's a nice teacher, huh?" I asked

"Yeah and she's pretty too." said Keon.

There was a knock on the door and I opened it. It was Angel. Katrina gave Keon to her and his schoolbag. She gave her son a kiss on the head and told him to be a good boy at school. She and I waved goodbye. Katrina closed the door and grabbed her purse and jacket. I waited for her while she got her items and we left the house. I locked the door and we walked to the car. We got inside and I drove to the courthouse. It took two hours to get there and we arrived on time. I found a parking space and we walked to the building. We went inside and we greeted by my fellow officer Jake Thomas. 

"Hey Jake. Is Jackson here yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's waiting for you in the outside of the courtroom. He's sitting on the bench. You look good today and I'm glad you're okay." he said.

"Thanks Jake. I'm lucky to be alive." I said.

"How long you got to wear that sling?" He said.

"Well, the doctor took the staples out and stitched me up two weeks ago. I get my stitches removed next week and I should be out this sling by then." I said.

"Well, take care." He said.

"You too, Jake." I said.

We walked down the hallway and found Jackson seated at one of the benches. We approached him and he saw me. He smiled and gave me a hug.

"You look good, Dre'. I can't wait for you to come back to work. I missed you." said Jackson.

"Aww Jackie! I missed you too, man." I said.

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