Chapter Three: Reviewing The Case

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The next morning.....

"Another day. Another dollar." I muttered. I hardly ever gotten any sleep last night. I only slept for three hours and now the sun is up. I check my clock and and it's 6 am. I got out of bed and put on my robe and went into the kitchen to make myself some coffee. I still could not stop thinking about what that lady said to me about Kevin. Part of me wants to kill the bastard with my bare hands. I'm so pissed and while the coffee was still brewing, I let Champ out to do his business then when he was done, I fed him. I went upstairs to take a shower.  Once I finished my shower, I put my robe back on and brushed my teeth. Then I washed my face, combed out my short afro, and changed my clothes. I splashed on some cologne then I put on my socks and shoes. I put on my belt and went into the kitchen. I grabbed my coffee cup from the cabinet and filled it with some coffee. I added sugar and cream into it and put the lid on top. I went into the living room and grabbed my gun out of the box in my desk drawer that I keep locked. I made sure I had everything I needed then I grabbed my jacket and went out the door. The air was chilly and I can feel it through my bones. I got into the car and drove to work. The sun is shining and the sky was crystal blue. It's a beautiful day and I took a sip of my coffee. I finally arrived to work and went to my desk. I turned on the computer and grabbed two muffins from desk drawer that I bought yesterday from the grocery store. I opened them and took a bite then I logged in and went on to Google. I needed to know that everything that lady told me was true. So I grabbed my notepad, opened it and typed in the first name that was written down. The first one was Amanda Carson. I looked for addresses of where she lived and where her family lived. I wrote down the information. I did the same with the other two victims. Jessica Davis is the only one who survived this . I found out where she lived also.  My partner Jackson arrives and I tell him what happened last night and what the old lady told me.

"Yeah. I heard about those victims. They said it is Kevin Martin who did but they never could find any strong evidence on him." said Jackson.

"How come I never knew about this?" said Andrea.

"You were in the military at the time." said Jackson.

"Jackie, my friend Katrina is married to this guy. I gotta get her out of there. I be damned if he touch her again. I love her." said Andrea.

"What about her son? You said that you didn't want to have any kids." said Jackson.

"After being alone for so long, I started thinking about having a family of my own. Kids included." said Andrea.

"Ha Ha Ha! Maybe I'll be an uncle some day." said Jackson.

"Ha ha ha! Yeah." said Andrea.

Andrea and Jackson have been best friends since the military. Andrea was young when she went into the military. Jackson had planned to stay in the military for one more year. They lost some friends in the war. Jackson suffered from PTSD and she help Jackson get the help he needed. Once Jackson got better and attended therapy, he decided to become a police officer. He's doing so much better as police officer. She loves Jackson like a big brother and they have a great relationship. As for Andrea, She stayed in the military for four years until she lost her best friend and lover. Her girlfriend, Karen was killed by a bomb. She became combative and was always drunk. She also suffers from PTSD and depression too. She left the military and decided to join Jackson in the police force but she had to go through therapy everyday which she hated. 

"So this girl, Katrina? You say you love her? Why?" said Jackson.

"Well, I never told her this but I used to have a crush on her when we were in high school. I mean, she was always this cute, sassy girl that I knew but once we got to high school, she blossomed into a beautiful woman. She was incredibly hot and all the guys wanted to date her. I always protected her from those losers she was with. Let's move on." said Andrea.

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