Chapter 7: Am I Falling For Her?

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Katrina's POV

The Next Day....

I enrolled Keon in daycare. I know that he needed to be with other children his own age. I had to fill out forms and meet with the daycare workers. They seem really nice and Keon seemed excited about going to school like a big boy. Angel also agreed to pick him up from school sometimes when I was taking of Dre.' God, taking care of Dre' was like taking care of a child. I can tell that she felt helpless and was aching to get better so she can return to work. Keon starts daycare next week and I have been shopping for supplies for him. Angel was taking care of Dre' while I went out. I bought some new clothes, shoes, underwears, batman school bag, lunchbox, and so much more. I was so excited for Keon to be going to school and this made my job of taking care of Dre' a whole lot easier. I came back home and made lunch for all of us. Dre' loved my cooking. I made some parsley rice, baked chicken, mixed veggies, and homemade dinner rolls. For dessert, I made strawberry shortcake with strawberries and whipped cream on top. It's Keon and Dre's favorite dessert. We all talked, ate, and laughed. Angel left and Keon watched t.v. with Andrea while I cleaned the kitchen. Then I gave Keon a bath and put him to bed. I was exhausted and I took a shower myself then I helped Dre' take a bath. I also cleaned her cut which is healing nicely. I helped her to bed and gave her medicine. She turned on the t.v. and pat the spot next to her. I climbed in and sat next to her. We watched an old show and talked a bit.

"Dre?" I asked.

"Yeah?" she said.

"What's going to happen to Kevin? I mean.... De'Andre. Whatever the hell his name is?" I asked.

"Well, Jackie told me he's in lockup. He'll be transfer to prison after the trial which is in two weeks. You'll probably have to testify in court in front of a judge." she said.

"No. I'm not doing that. I can't face him! I'm afraid of him!." I said.

"It's alright to be afraid. When you up there, just look at me. Just know that I'll protect you and I won't let him hurt you anymore. I promise you." she said.

"Oh Dre." she said.

I lay my head on her chest and I can hear her heart beating. I forgot about her wound for a minute there and I hope I didn't hurt her.

"I'm sorry, Dre! I didn't hurt you, did I?" I asked.

"No. You didn't hurt me." she said.

We talked to each other all night until we fell asleep.

A week later......

I brought Keon to daycare for the first time. This is the first time he and I have been apart from each other. He didn't cry and he took off to play with Angel's kids. He waved goodbye and I left. I got into my car and swore I wasn't going to cry but I did anyway. I went back home and found Dre' exercising. She was glistening with sweat. She was wearing a sports bra and basketball shorts. Damn, Dre's is fine as hell. I had stop myself and say what the hell is wrong with me? Am I really feeling her? So I took a deep breath and asked her a question.

"Dre? What are you doing? Did the doctor tell you can exercise again?" I asked.

"Angel took me for my checkup. The doctor said I'm healing pretty fast and I'll be able to go back to work next week." she said.

"Is that all you care about?! Going back to work?! Dre', I don't want you to go back to work." I said.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Because I care about you and I don't want you to get shot again." I said.

"Aww Trina. I know I have a dangerous job but I'll be fine. I won't get shot again." she said.

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