A Breaking Point

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Chapter 60

Dan's Pov

I sit, alone, no one to hear me cry. "Oh Dan, you fuck up." I say covering my eyes, my hands are filled with tears "Why?"

'Knock knock knock

I hear from the door "Coming" I yell, standing. All the way to the door I kept think 'please be Phil, please be Phil'. I reached for the door knob 'Please, please, please' begging in my mind. I open the door, it was Liah. "Hi, is EJ home?" she asks, twiddling her fingers together.

"uh, no, sorry, she's out with Phil right now." I say sniffling.

"oh, okay. Do you know when she'll be back?"

"I have no idea" I say shrugging "I'm guessing they won't be back by tonight so I'd say check back tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Howell." she says tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, I smile

"Please, call me Dan" I say about to close the door


"Yes?" I say opening the door again

"Do you have any idea where she has gone?" I shake my head

"I wish I did" I say sighing "I would be there in an instant, but I have no idea"

"Okay thank you Dan" she says smiling

"No problem Liah" I say as she walking down the stairs.

"Bye" she says as I close the door

I sigh, running my hands through my head. I lean against the door, collecting myself. I walk upstairs to the lounge room, grabbing a blanket I lay down on the couch and the TV remote, I start flicking through the channels, if Phil were here he would've started shouted at me already for flicking through the channels too fast to even view what was on.

I started to drift to sleep when I heard shuffling coming from the kitchen, I thought someone is home so I call out "Hello?" No answer. I called out again "hello?" My voice echoes through the house even louder. I still wasn't sure that no one was home so I decided to jump up

I started walking towards the kitchen "Hello?" I called out again, I heard a shuffling of pans. I look into the kitchen slowly, no one was there, I walk in looking around. I look at the window, it was open slightly, I turn around to see a figure. Standing, and before I knew it I get hit in the head and I'm crashing to the floor. Ringing in my ears, blurry vision, I black out.

¿?¿?¿?'s PoV

The tall person turned around and I had to hit him, I swung the frying pan and hit him on the head, he falls to the ground and passes out. I rush out of the kitchen area and started looking for what I was looking for. I run into lounge room, I scrambled around, moving things frantically "adoption certificate, adoption certificate, where is it?" I mumble to myself, I rush into the bedroom, I look around and looked up the wall "bingo!" I rush over and grab it. I smile, brushing my finger over the name, I grab the note out of the back of my pocket. I place the note in the frame "I hope she remembers me" I say as I hang the adoption certificate

 Hey ya'll

Wow, I hope that was worth waiting for... haha *cough*

Okay I'm sorry for not updating! I Have been very busy, since I'm still in school I've been having tons of exams and have had no time to write

So since I have been off a lot so much has happened. But something really exciting is happening soon! SO, I, EJ, am meeting Dan and Phil!  Yes! I am meeting my idols! So from this being updating there is two weeks before I actually meet them

So to be the nice person I am I will be taking notes to give to them, so if you want me to give a letter written by you to be given Dan and Phil themselves please DM or email me at  Elise.wardell@gmail.com*

Hope to get letters from ya'll soon ;P

Unfortunately I am closing name suggestions for a while, I thought we would of only got a couple suggestions for names but amazingly we got over twenty suggestions! So thank you for all of your suggestions and keep an eye out for the characters in the near future

*disclaimer, some characters may not be main characters, the character decision is not Miss EJ's choice for it is a generating choice, if you wish to have one of your characters to be a main character please contact EJ through DM or business email: Elise.wardell@gmail.com*

Please ask questions for the characters

I am going to sit down with the characters

and they WILL be answering any questions, and yes, it can be ANYONE!

So please, please, please, ask the characters some questions

Please comment or DM your questions to me...

Thank you for reading...


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