seniors and the juniors...

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Pic of aerial at the top😻 she's on the right... that pic is of them when the were in 8th...thanks guys for reading my book please star and comment I read all comments sorry if I have slow updated.. I LOVE YOU!!!

It was him, the biggest player and jerk of all time was looking at me.. he smirked as I turned a light shade of pink. All of my thoughts that were going through my head stopped and all I could think of was... there was no way I will let myself fall for him... aerial started to talk interrupting my thoughts " ali are you ok?" Why would she ask that... how long was I staring for ... not only was I in big trouble this year...I think he would start to bully me too... snapping out of my thoughts I remembered aerial asked me if I was ok. I nodded as in agreeing with her..we walked out of the parking lot and into the school. I walked to my locker opened my door and got my books for first hour. My head jerked forward and I looked in my mirror to find my bully and all of her friends giggling " oops sorry *snicker* hope you won't have to use to many bandages." And with that she walked away as the pain in my head started to get worse I opened my locker and looked in my mirror and there was a medium sized cut on my forehead from the locker and my bully of course. I got my cotton balls I used for just in case the bullying got worse.. which in this case it did. Blood ran slowly down the beginning of my nose before I caught it with my cotton. I turned away and shut my locker before going to my first period.. Mr.Price he was one of my favorite teachers. As I was walked down the hall I saw my first class as a junior and walked in and the teacher told me to sit and explained that this year the budgets lower and we half to put seniors and juniors together at this I laughed and then I realized something.. Matthew was a senior...

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