Chapter 1

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"i now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" The tall blonde man said to Nick, who had just said his vows to Carla.

Nick leaned in and kissed his new wife passionately, hearing 'awhhh' from the audience on more than one occasion.

They both smiled at one another, taking in the fact they had just said "i do" in front of all their beloved family and friends.

Nick smelt a funny smell, a bit like fuel. He couldn't have a fuel leak in his restaurant where they just got married, surely.

"BANG!" the horrific noise thundered through Nicks restaurant, people flying across the room and hitting walls, the bright orange flames that engulfed the building, clearing everything in its path.

Nick noticed one thing when he turned back to where his wife was previously standing, she wasn't there, she was across the room, slumped on the ground by the wall.

"CARLA, BABY" he cried, jumping over the remaining charred rubble that was left of the venue.

"Carla open your eyes, come on for me, you can do it" Nick pleaded.

he couldn't let the woman he loved slip away before their marriage had even begun.

She groaned in pain as he slightly opened her eyes. All she could see was a blur, she couldn't make out what had just happened. She tried to sit up and but cried in pain as she felt the back of her head where previously she had hair and skin, now it was just blood.

"Carla i'm going to get you out okay? Please just don't move, everything will be fine" Nick cried. Its not often this businessman would break down but seeing his new wife in such a state was more than horrifying for him.

"Nick please don't leave me" She said as she gasped for air. The blast had punctured one of her lungs, her spine was fractured and her head was damaged. If she were to survive, she would never be the same again.

"Baby, iv'e got to get help, ill be a few minutes" he said as he kissed her dusty face which had cuts all over.

"Nick please, i love you, can you get my dad for me, i need him" she said through the vicious pain which was tormenting her every breath.

Nick looked at the state she was in and decided she needed someone with her. "Johnny!" he called out. He heard a man cough and instantly knew it was her dad.

"What is it mate, wheres my daughter?" Johnny asked.

Nick pointed to the corner where Carla was lay. "Can you stay with her while i get help, please" he cried. "Of course Nick, she is my daughter, you go, shell be fine with me" he faintly smiled but Nick could see the worry and tears forming in his eyes.

"Carla sweetheart, its me, dad" Johnny said as he stroked her hair only to see his hand was then covered in blood. he gasped.

" .... it" Carla said trying to sustain her breathing until Nick got back.

"Nothing darling, just keep breathing and keep talking to me okay, Nick will be back any minute with help" he said, clutching onto her weak hand that was getting weaker by the minute.

"dad?" Carla asked. "Yes?" he said.

"I love you. I know when i found out you were my dad i hated you, but you mean so much to me now..." Carla started speaking. She gasped for air once again.

"Carla save it for when your'e better" he laughed, trying to ease off his worry.

"No, let... me say... this" she pleaded as she closed her eyes to regain herself. Johnny nodded in response, he didn't want to be bossing his 41 year old daughter around.

"I want you to make sure.... that Nick... finds someone else... and doesn't hold onto me... when i'm gone" she says before gasping for another massive breath.

"Make sure you and Aidan look after my factory for me, don't... run... it... into the ground" she giggled. Johnny laughed in response. He didn't really think she would die, so just kept along with what she was saying.

"and i want you to tell Nick, that he was the best thing to ever happen.... to... me" she said as she started loosing more of her breath.

Johnny heard Nick coming back through the rubble and straight to Carla.

"Look darling, you can tell him yourself" Johnny said as he kissed her forehead "I love you" he added.

"Nick..." she started saying before a rush of pain took over and she cried out.

"Its okay, you'll be fine, the ambulance is on its way" Nick said as a tear dripped from his cheek.

"Nick please... make sure.... that you find someone.... else.... marry them.... and let them be as happy as i have been with you" she said as she faintly smiled up at her husband.

"Carla don't say that" he whispered. Clearly not wanting to fear the worst.

"And i'm sorry.... that i couldn't bring this baby i'm carrying.... into the world.... for us.... I you" she said before her eyes closed and her breathing slowed.

Nick looked at her in shock, did she just say she was pregnant? She did and he had to keep her alive. 'Carla!, Carla, CARLA!!!" he cried as he held her hand in his and cried into her chest. Her body was still warm but there was no pulse.

"Paramedics coming through! everyone out the way!" they yelled as they entered the charred remains of what was Nicks Bistro. Some of the guests were now up and moving and watching on in horror as the newly wed couple were torn apart in the cruellest of ways.

"Sir, you must be Nick, We are here to help your wife can you please move out the way" they pleaded with the broken man, who was almost certain that his wife had already passed away.

Nick was in shock, he just stood up and watched the men check for a pulse and attempt CPR on his wife. Minutes went by and nothing had changed, not a single breath escaped her body. "time of death, 4:23pm" the paramedic said.

"I'm so sorry" he said as he turned to Nick who was still in shock but had managed to release a load of tears.

"we will give you a minute before taking her away for examination, okay" he said as he walked away leaving Nick to bend down next to Carla.

"You know, i shouldn't of left you. I went to get help instead of helping you in your hour of need" he said as he could hear his tears dripping onto the remains of her clothes.

"I promise, that i will make you, and our little baby proud, no matter what it takes" he said through his tears.

"I love you" he says as he kisses her for the last time on the lips and places his hand on her stomach.

Nick gets up and cant bear the thought of seeing his wife get carried away on a stretcher, so runs outside to get fresh air. "oh my god" he whispers to himself as he leans up against the wall, taking in what just happened.

"Nick i'm so sorry" Eva says as she makes her way outside to head home and get cleaned up. Nick doesn't say anything he just gives her a blank look. 'Ill leave you be" she says as she walks off home.

Nick doesn't want anyone around him, he just wants his wife back. Instead of waiting around for guests to leave he runs home, and locks himself in his flat.

He kicks around his table and chairs and in the process breaks a photo of him and Carla. He instantly falls to the floor and buries himself in his tears and picks up the shards of broken glass that framed the picture of them. "Why did you have to leave!" he yells as he smacks his head against the back of the couch, trying to release the anger within.

Nick had no idea how he would cope with the aftermath of her death, from all the loving support to the investigation into what caused the explosion, everything would be to hard for him.

The Bistro blast - Coronation Street [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now