Chapter 7

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its now 3 days after Carla's funeral and Nick is worse than ever. He is really struggling to cope with the death and is starting to see her around the street, hearing her voice, having outbursts at people, he just isn't coping.

"Hiya Nick" Michelle calls from across the street. Nick thinks its Carla and automatically turns around and clearly looks distressed.

"Are you okay?" Chelle asks him worryingly. Nick looks at her blankly and starts shaking and sweating. He looks like he is about to faint.

"Nick, talk to me" she runs over to see if he is okay, she holds him in his arms and he starts looking around, rather confused.

"Carla?" he starts saying as his breath is becoming short.

"Carla isn't here love, its me Michelle" she says as she stares at him.

"Get off me!" he shouts, pushing her onto the pavement. He runs off into the distance, leaving Chelle on the ground.

"What the?" Michelle whispered to herself as she was sat on the pavement.

"You alright Michelle?" Liz says as she comes out of the pub.

"Yeah..i'm fine" she says as she picks herself up of the ground.

Liz walks back inside the pub and Michelle follows, wiping her clothes in the process.

"why were you on the ground" Liz laughs. Michelle clearly not amused.

"Can we just leave it Liz" Michelle snapped. She quickly realised the tone she used and apologises. "Sorry".

"Don't worry about it" Liz smiles and walks into the back room.


Nick kept on running and running and running until he couldn't run anymore. His face dripping with sweat and him trying to catch his breath. He hadn't been for a proper run since Carla's death and this felt like the perfect time to do so.

Ever since his brain injury he has been prone to outbursts and lack of sleep, head aches and even violence, but what he did to Michelle really caught him off guard and he couldn't stay and face up to what he had done.

Nick ran home and locked his door behind him, it was like someone was chasing him and he was scared. He sat down on his couch and he thought he saw Carla across the room.

"Nick, what do you want for dinner" 'Carla' said.

"YOU'RE BACK!" Nick jumped up and ran over to hug his wife.

When he got to the person he felt nothing, there was no body there, just air. He kicked the kitchen cupboards and threw an orange at the wall.

Nick didn't know what was happening to him but he felt like he was loosing control of his life and he fears for what he might do next.

He hears a knock at the door and jumps at the sound. He answers the door to reveal Chelle, who he shoved over earlier.

"Nick, hi" Michelle said as she made her way into his flat.

"Oh come in" he said as he rolled his eyes. His mood wasn't good and anyone that got on the wrong side of him was in for it.

"I'm sorry i got to close to you earlier" Michelle said as she took a seat on his couch.

"Oh yeah, i'm sorry i pushed you" Nick said seeming very sincere.

"Its fine, stress does funny things to people" She laughed, trying to make a joke of a serious situation.

"I'm not stressed Michelle, i'm grieving for my wife!" he yells, clearly getting agitated.

"Sorry, i didn't mean-"

"GET OUT!" he screams at her, startling her massively.

She stands up and heads to the door, trying to get away faster than she has from anyone.

Nick slams the door behind her and kicks over the cabinet beside his door.

Michelle wandered down the street, clearly distressed and keeps looking back to make sure Nick isn't chasing her. She runs into the pub and into the back room, quickly closing the door behind her.

"Michelle? whats going on?" Liz asks.

"Liz, i think there's something seriously wrong with Nick" She says as she tries to catch her breath.

"What do you mean?"

"He shoved me over earlier on the pavement and now he has just screamed at me and kicked me out of his flat, but Liz, he was scary, really scary" she said, looking worried.

"He shoved you over?!" she yelled.

"Liz, its not like him at all and i'm worried that hes getting out of control" Michelle said.

"You're right, that's not like Nick, maybe i should talk to him"

"What are you gonna do? give him a smack on the bum and tell him to stop? its more serious than that Liz" Michelle says firmly.

"Maybe we should get him professional help then?"

"... Ill give it a couple of weeks but, this isn't good Liz, he is getting worse and i'm worried hes going to do something worse" Michelle says.

"It'll be alright love, you need to grieve for Carla now, leave Nick to do the same" Liz says softly.

"Yeah..." Michelle says, not sounding convinced. She is worried about Nick, and she knows Carla would have wanted someone to look after Nick

-Nick is starting to really loose it now with the people around him, will his actions go further and will he get help?

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