chapter 6

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Today was the day of the funeral, the day the street and all Carlas loved ones get to say one last goodbye even though they would rather have her stood there herself, laughing and being her gobby self.

They had already bought Carla into the venue and she was placed on the stand on the stage. Billy Mayhew, the local vicar was the man running the ceremony.

"Carla was a well loved local, boss, friend, daughter, sister and wife. She used to be known as the bitch of the street but as the years went on, she had warmed to people and found a lovable side, but there's no mistaking that Carla was gobby. she liked to have her own way and be the feisty business woman that everyone knew her as, but now its time to celebrate and mourn the loss, of a resident who made many smile. Johnny, Carla's father, will say a few words." Billy said.

Johnny walked up to the stage and stared at the coffin beside him, "Carla was my daughter, i only found this out properly a few months ago but, iv'e always loved her. Shes was an exceptional business woman who went through so many tough times, nothing would ever bring her down though. She had always wanted happiness in her life, and over the years she thought she had finally found it but turned out to be the opposite. When Carla was happy, you could tell. She would smile all the time, she would be laughing and full of energy and jokes, but when she wasn't she would self destruct, as many of you know, but with Nick, she was so in love, and really put her heart and soul into the relationship, showing a side i had never seen with her. Nick really made Carla happy, and ill never forget what he did for her, caring and loving her like she never had before. Carla my daughter, i love you, stay safe up there" he cried as he kissed the coffin that she lay inside.

Johnny made his way down from the stage and received hugs from many of the guests. "Michelle Connor" Billy said. Michelle made her way onto the stage, visibly looking sick.

"Carla was my best friend, and my sister, she had a pretty hard life, but that never brought her down. Her determination to stay afloat on numerous occasions was something i will always love about her, but in saying that she was a right cow" She laughs with tears spilling out. "She found a way to joke in most situations and if she didn't like something you would know about it. She was such a loving lady who even though she annoyed me more than anyone else, she was the person who has stuck by me through everything and i would do the same for her. I remember when she lost her baby girl in 2014 and she was lost, she was honestly destroyed and everything that i would say would melt into thin air. She came back though, into her feisty gobby self and trust me, that isn't always a great thing. But over all the years iv'e known Carla, the happiest i saw her was with Nick. He made her feel loved and secure, which are two things she had never truly felt. She told me how she couldn't wait to become a Tilsley, and be with Nick forever, but it didn't work out, just like most things didn't in her life, and it wasn't even their fault. She got ripped away in the cruellest of ways, but she will never ever be forgotten, she will always be my best friend and sister. I love you Carla, remember that" she cries as she places a bracelet that she made Carla when she was a kid and never got around to giving it to her, on the coffin.

"Now we have Carla's husband and soul mate, Nick Tilsley" Billy said.

"Wow, thankyou all for you coming, Carla was the love of my life, she still is, she always will be. When i first met her in 2010 she was this smart ass know it all who i despised. Last year she became my girlfriend and i honestly couldn't believe she even looked at me as an option, but she did, and i have loved her ever since. Having Carla by my side through life has been amazing, everything we did together was done with love and excitement, nothing was ever dull with Carla, not even when she was resting out of hospital, she was like a caged tiger" He laughs through his tears. "But she was my tiger. She could yell at me and id still love her, she was just a woman who lit up anyone's day. When she proposed to me, i couldn't believe that the woman who i never thought would even want me was stood there, with her hair tied back, helping me in my restaurant, was asking me to marry her. Of course i said yes, i will, and the look on her face was one ill never forget. Her grin was massive and i just knew that i would be with her forever. Then last week, it was finally our wedding day and i was stood there with her in that white dress and my heart melted, she truly melted my heart. We got married and that was the beginning of the future, but little did i know that that future would never happen. When she died in my arms, i lost a part of me, a part of me died with her, and ill never ever forget how happy she made me, i was the happiest iv'e ever been with a woman an that's all down to Carla. That's all down to my angel, you made me the happiest man alive. You will always be in my heart, and one day we will meet again and you, me and that baby you were carrying will be together again." Nick cried. he put his hand on her coffin and kissed it, before placing a picture of them together on it.

Nick walked off the stage and gave the others a hug, he just wanted to go home and cry, but he had to stand there and sing and then go out and watch her be placed into the ground.

- That was the funeral for Carla. Now its time to see how they all cope from now on.

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