Chapter 8

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It had now been a week since Carla's funeral, and Michelle was trying to grieve for her, Johnny went away on holiday to take away the pain of having to see the flat and factory daily that she once owned, still owned in fact, and Nick, well he was scaring half the street with his outbursts, his unusually sweaty face and him always thinking he is seeing Carla.

Nick wandered down the street to get out of the flat for a bit. "Carla!" he yelled as he ran over to the woman he thought was his wife, only for it to be Carla's sister Kate.

"Nick, what are you doing!" Kate yelled, shoving him off her.

Nick looked at her in shock and then rubbed his eyes viciously trying to come to terms with the fact that his wife wasn't in front of him.

"Nick are you alright?" Kate asked, rather concerned.

"Carla? wheres Carla?" he asked her, thinking she was still alive.

Kate gave him a very confused and worried look, Michelle had told her Nick was loosing it but Kate didn't think it would be quite so bad.

"Nick, shes dead!" she yelled, making him jump and hold his head.

"Dead? no she cant be, shes my wife, shes not dead" he said staring at her.

"Nick she is, you're scaring me!" she yelled as she took a few steps back.

"scaring you? i only want to know where Carla is!" he yelled as he whacked her around the head with his hand. Kate fell to the ground in shock and pain.

Nick suddenly clicked out of this beast mode and didn't realise he was the one that had hurt her. "Kate what on earth has happened, are you alright?" he said as she knelt down next to her on the wet ground.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" she yelled, loud enough for Aidan to hear.

"Kate whats going on?" he said sounding very concerned.

"Him! Nick! he hit me!" she said as tears escaped her eyes.

Nick looked at her in shock, why was she accusing him of this he thought.

"Me? i wouldn't do that!" he yelled, sounding irritated by the fact she said it was him.

"Kate, Nick is not like that!" Aidan said as he helped her off the ground.

Kate just stormed off into the distance, upset at the fact that Nick had just hit her and that her own brother didn't believe her.

"Sorry about that mate, it'll be the death of Carla getting to her brain" Aidan said as he patted Nick on the back.

"Yeah, i guess" he frowned.


Kate made her way to Michelle's to tell her what had happened.

"He really gave me a right whack" she said as she held some ice up to the side of her head.

"Darling, he shoved me over last week, so i believe you" Michelle said as she placed a hand on Kate's.

"I was so scared of what he might do next you know, hes dangerous" she said as she gave Michelle a very serious look.

"Hes lost his wife Kate, the love of his life, its bound to effect him".

"Doesn't mean he can hit people! Carla was my sister!" Kate cried.

Michelle gives Kate a hug and tells her everything will be okay, but she isn't even sure herself. Kate makes her way out the door and Liz walks in to see what happened.

"What did Kate want?" She asked, taking a seat across from Michelle.

"Nick hit her Liz, i'm so worried about what he might do, hes out of control".

"he hit her? oh wow, this needs sorted Michelle and fast" Liz said as she looked her in the eye.

"Well its not down to me to sort out a grown man, i'm actually scared of him" Michelle said with a worried tone.

"Look, he might calm down soon, just give it a while longer maybe, but if he doesn't get back to normal soon, i will be getting him help" Liz says as she leaves the room, leaving Michelle to do some thinking.

She thinks about what Nick would do next, he wouldn't lash out again would he? he wouldn't hurt anyone worse than he has?

Michelle gets up and heads around to see him, she wants to try talk some sense into him even though she is currently scared of the man.

"Hi Nick, can i come in?" she says bluntly.

"Sure" he says with a more quieter tone.

"I hear you hit Kate" she says, keeping her distance from him.

"No?" he says, confused as to why she is know saying the same thing as Kate did.

"No? she was at the pub with a bruised side of her face and crying!" Michelle yells, clearly getting annoyed.

"Well it wasn't me!" Nick shouted.

"You know this has to stop, you shoved me over the other day, now you've hit Kate, what next, are you gonna trash Carla's grave!" she shouted, clearly hitting a nerve within Nick.

"what did you just say?" Nick said as he started to enter beast mode again and step closer to Michelle.

"Sorry i didn't mean that" she said as she took a couple of steps back.

"NO, YOU SO DID" he screamed as he threw a glass at her, hitting her in the head.

"Ahhh" she screamed in pain as she fell to the ground, blood instantly escaping from the gash.

'That'll teach you, for being so horrible!" he yelled as he went over and kicked her in the side.

Michelle was fearing she would never escape now, so she just lay in the small pool of blood that surrounded her.

"Nick, let me go, please" she cried. "NO" he yelled. He didn't think about Carla during any of this, because he was like the incredible hulk.

"Please" she said as she started loosing consciousness from the loss of blood.

"Shut up!" he yelled as he fidgeted around for tape, to put around her mouth.

He grabbed some from the cupboard before strapping it around her mouth, but little did he know she was already passed out. She needed help soon as, otherwise she may not survive.

-Nick has now gone a step to far, and he may even have the conscience of a death on his hands if Michelle isn't saved in time.

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