Chapter 5

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Nick sat on his couch, absolutely horrified at what he saw in front of him. Robert and his girlfriend Tracy were splashing fuel all through the kitchen, not leaving an inch bare. The sound was horrifying, because they both knew exactly what they were doing.

Nick sat with tears in his eyes at the fact they killed his wife and the person that he wanted to grow old with but not only did they kill her, they killed their unborn baby.

"This'll end them" he could hear Tracy saying in the video.

"It'll finish this business off as well" Robert laughed.

"Hey, and lets hope it finishes Carla off and all" she said with a huge grin.

Tracy was evil and she had passed her evil ways onto Robert.

"So who's gonna light the match?" Tracy asked.

"Oh ill do that, you get yourself away before we are caught"

Then Tracy runs from the building and Robert waits in the kitchen until the vows are done and dusted. Then he takes action. He lights a match and runs. within seconds he sees the place go up in flames, glass shattering, and the footage shows the blast absolutely destroying everything in its path.

He shut the lid of the laptop and stared into space. He wasn't one for ruining other peoples lives but he was one for getting justice for the people he loves. He decides the police station is the best point of call for this kind of thing, there's no point coming face to face with the man and woman that destroyed his life. So he packs up the gear and takes it to the station.


Michelle was sat in the back room of the pub, thinking over her speech, she wanted to be as loving and passionate as possible but she couldn't think. Her mind was all over the place with how and who did this to her best friend. She had no idea Carla was pregnant either and having to hear that she was no longer going to be a mum AGAIN was soul destroying. Now she would never be a mum again.

"Michelle love" Liz said as she came through to the room and got her attention. "Yeah what is it?" Chelle asked.

"Nicks here to see you"

Michelle felt a wave of relief as she seen him come through the back. He was looking rather chuffed.

"Hi Nick" she said.

"Hi, iv'e got news" he said.

"Oh come on, spill" she said slightly laughing.

"well i have seen some security footage from the kitchen at the bistro and it turns out, Robert and Tracy purposely blew up the place to ruin mine and Carla's life" he said as he suddenly realised the enormity of the situation.

"YOU WHAT?!" Chelle yelled.

"iv'e been to the station and handed in the footage but seriously Michelle, what on earth am i going to do, she was murdered, it wasn't an accident" he said as tears threatened to spill.

"What we are going to do is get through tomorrow okay, and then we will go from there, but tomorrow is important because we are saying a final goodbye to the woman we loved" she said as she hugged him.

Nick pulled away and smiled at her before leaving the premises.

"Everything alright" Liz said as she poked her head in the door.

"Not really Liz" she said as she held her head in her hands.

"Of course, do you want to talk about it?" She asked her.

"Liz, Carla was murdered by Tracy and Robert" she cried. She couldn't hold back the anger and upset and longer. She wanted to be strong for her best mate, but she couldn't do it, she just couldn't.

"Oh come here" Liz said as she held a crying Michelle. "You know Tracy and Robert will pay for what they've done okay? They've ruined lives from this, including their own" Liz informed her.

"I just wish she was still here Liz, we did everything together and told each other everything" she said as she buried her face into Liz's chest.

"We all do love, but Carla wouldn't want you to stop everything in life for her, she will want you to carry on and be strong, okay?"

"Liz, i cant, she was my best friend and sister, how do you expect me to just carry on like nothings happened!" she snapped.

"Darling, i didn't say that" she said as she massaged the upper of her back for support.

Liz left Michelle to continue writing her speech that she would read at the funeral tomorrow, nothing would ever stop her from breaking down over the thought of Carla being gone forever but she has support and she knows that.

She held the speech in her hand and read it back to herself, thinking of all the things they would do together, she wanted to crack some jokes but she couldn't do that, she didn't feel like laughing was right at a funeral.

The Bistro blast - Coronation Street [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now