Chapter 9

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As Michelle lay unconscious on the floor of Nicks flat, surrounded in a pool of her own blood, he started to panic. Not because of what he had done but because he heard someone outside of his flat door. He knew they would knock at any given moment so he had to get rid of michelle from sight.

Nick grabbed Michelle by the legs and dragged her through to the bathroom where she would lay. He heard a knock at the door and went to answer it, completely forgetting the fact there was blood smeared right across the floor, leading to the bathroom.

He answered the door to reveal Kate. "Hi" Nick said.

"Hi..... whats that?" she said pointing to the floor, her eyes almost jumping out of her head.

"Whats what?" he said looking down at where she was pointing, his eyes grew wide.

"oh erm, i spilt some tomato sauce earlier" he covered.

"Why does it lead through their then?" she asked, noticing his erratic behaviour.

She made her way into his flat and followed the trail of 'tomato sauce' into the bathroom. He didn't know what to do so he grabbed the nearest hard object and whacked her on the back of the head.

Kate didn't even have time to react or scream in pain as she was instantly knocked out.

Nick started to panic even more now as he had 2 woman unconscious pouring with blood in his bathroom. He left his flat door open and fell to the floor holding his head. He couldn't cope with it any longer, his head felt like it was about to explode, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Helllp" Kate moaned as she was in the bathroom and clearly still alive.

Nick was startled and strolled into the bathroom to shut her up, he placed some tape around her mouth as well and started sweating horrifically. He didn't know what to do, because surely someone will notice they're gone sometime soon.


Liz was sat at the pub, talking to Steve about whats happening to Nick.

"He's becoming violent Steve" Liz said.

"You what? Nick violent?" Steve laughed, knowing full well that was out of character for Nick.

"He hit Kate, and he even shoved Michelle".

"You what?" Steve said as he jumped out of his chair.

"Steve please sit down" Liz pleaded with her son.

"No, i'm going around to his, i'm having it out with him" Steve yelled.

"Well in that case, i'm coming with you" Liz said as she grabbed her coat and headed across the Nicks flat.

As they reached the door, they could see it was wide open, they slowly entered, to reveal a trashed flat and what looked like blood across the floor.

"What on earth?" Steve said as he tried to weave his way around broken glass and furniture.

"Hes lost it" Liz said as she picked up a picture with Carla and Nick before they got married.

They heard a commotion from the bathroom so they headed in there to see if Nick was okay, but they were horrified at the sight they saw.

"Michelle?" Steve said as he knelt down beside his wife. Liz quickly phoned an ambulance and added the police into that, as she knew Nick was behind this.

Nick was sat in the corner of the bathroom, shaking and looking like he was about to pass out at any second.

"what have you done to my wife?!" Steve shouted, catching Nick off guard.

"SHUT UP!" he screamed, as tears fell down his face.

"Nick love, you need to explain to us what has happened here, otherwise these two woman may not make it" Liz said

"Get out of my flat" he said as he was still shaking.

"I'm not going anywhere until these two woman are out of here and you are with the police, you sicken me!" Liz yelled. Nick looked at her and then looked away, he didn't understand what was going on, he just wants Carla and everyone keeps telling him she is dead.

"Wheres Carla?" he ask, as if nothing has happened.

"Shes dead Nick, you already know that!" Liz said, starting to get confused as to the way he was acting.

They soon heard a knock on the door and it was the paramedics and the police.

"Come in!" Steve shouted, desperate for his wife to be saved.

"Stay away!" Nick shouted as they entered the bathroom.

"whats gone on here?" the police ask, clearly distressed at the sight in front of them.

"this man here, has hurt them, hes gone insane ever since he lost his wife to a terrible explosion" Liz said, giving him a little bit of sympathy.

"right, was that the one at the bistro?" the man in uniform asked.

"I WANT MY WIFE!" Nick shouted.

"Sir, you are coming with us, you will be taken into a mental unit, until we believe you have recovered and are able to be released back into the public, what you have done here is beyond disgusting, and you need professional help" the man said as he yanked nick off the floor and handcuffed him before dragging him away.

"ILL BE BACK TO GET YOU ALL FOR THIS!" nick shouted on his way out.

Liz just rolled her eyes and focused her attention on Michelle and Kate who were being loaded onto stretchers to be taken to hospital where they would be treated for their horrible injuries.

As Steve and Liz got into the back of the ambulance, a policeman stopped them quickly.

"Is Nick Tilsley always like this?" the man asked.

"God no, i think this is all because he lost his wife in the explosion, you know he's just gone down hill ever since and lost control of himself" Liz explained. Steve couldn't help but add in his version.

"he's basically turned psycho officer" he said as he turns all his focus on his wife who was getting connected up to breathing tubes in the back of an ambulance.

"right, well i just want to let you know, that Nick will be held in a mental institution for i'm not sure how long, but its looking like it will be at least a year, he will also be charged with physical assault and intent to harm another human" the man said to Liz.

"thankyou officer, we can finally feel safe again" she said as she took a deep breath.

"You can" he smiled.

Liz hopped into the back of the ambulance with Steve and they headed off to the hospital to see what damage had been caused to the two Connor ladies. Kate looks like she may be better off than Michelle, but time will tell.

Its safe to say the death of Carla Connor, destroyed Nick in more ways than one. His life was turned upside down and his life and the Connor families, will never be the same again. And its also safe to say that if Carla died, the fandom would be destroyed.

-Right, that's the end of this story! Thankyou for reading, i loved writing this, and you never know, one day i might do a sequel to it. Please leave your comments and Vote if you would ever like a sequel to this story! Don't forget i have other stories that you might like, so go have a read of them as well. Thanks again.

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