Chapter 2

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It was the day after Carla's death.

"Nick, Nick are you in love?" Gail, his mum banged on his flat door.

Nick pulled himself out of bed and aggressively yanked open the door.

"What on earth are you doing here so early?!" Nick shouted in his mums face.

"I bought you this" she lightly smiled as she felt a bit scared of his reaction.

"I don't want it" he said as he shook his head and looked at her.

"You need to ea-" Gail started to say before Nick cut her off.

"NO I DON'T NEED TO EAT! NOW GET AWAY FROM MY DOOR" he yelled as she took a step back and he slammed the door in her face.

he leaned against the back of it and closed his eyes. He couldn't bare the thought of facing the day without his wife, and more importantly today was the day they were suppose to be heading off on their honeymoon to Paris, but instead he is helping police with enquiries into how on earth his restaurant exploded, leaving the love of his life, dead.

He didn't bother to shower and threw on some clean jeans and a clean jacket before heading out the door.

He knew today was going to be hard but it had to be done. going back into the building that his wife died in would be beyond awful but he had to for the sake of finding out why this happened to her.

"Nicholas Tilsley?" the policeman asked from outside the rubble of the building. "Yeah that's me" he said as he looked at the left over of his once stood, bustling business.

"I'm sorry for your loss" the man in uniform said as he looked down at a piece of paper in his hand.

"Now Nick, i know this is going to be hard, but we need all the information you know of surrounding the kitchen" the man said making Nick confused.

"the kitchen?"

"Yeah that's where the explosion took place, so someone left the gas stove on by the looks of things but we cant quite pinpoint why or who" they said taking in the shock on Nicks face.

"wow, erm, well i know that Robert had been there earlier in the day prepping some of the wedding food and Zeedan had been helping him" Nick explained.

"Can i have their full names please?" The policeman asked.

"Robert Preston and Zeedan Nazir, they've both worked for me for a while" Nick said as his mind went through yesterdays events leading up to the wedding.

"Nick we also need you to show us the exact spot Mrs Connor-" The man started speaking before Nick cut him off "Mrs Tilsley, shes now Mrs Tilsley" Nick corrected him.

"Sorry of course, we would like you to show us the exact spot Mrs Tilsley died please, its very crucial to our investigation"

"Yeah ermmm, just over here, yeah right here, you can still see some of her blood actually" he sighed. Knowing it was from her head.

"Thankyou Mr Tilsley, you've been a great help, and now we will leave you be while we process all this and speak to Robert and Zeedan, we will then let you know how things are going, if you need anything you know where we are" The detective spoke.

"Thankyou, it really means a lot" Nick said as he kept staring down at the spot Carla died.

"Oh one more thing, Nick, this place, its written off, its gonna have to be demolished, i'm sorry".

Nick looked around at the remains and couldn't believe that this time yesterday he was waiting for his wife to be, to walk down the aisle towards him but today he is finding out who or what caused her death.


"Johnny!" Liz called out to him from across the street.

"Oh hi Liz" he faintly smiled.

"I'm so so sorry about Carla, its a shock to everyone" she said as she clasped her freshly bought milk against her chest.

"Thanks, i don't know what we will do without her, and Nick, far out, i don't know how hes going to cope, they were a team" he shook his head trying to process it all.

"Oh love, anything you need you know where we are" Liz said as he pulled Johnny in for a hug.

"Wait Liz, have you told Michelle and Steve? i know they were on holiday and they're due back this week aren't they" Johnny asked her.

Liz sighed "they're coming back this afternoon, but honestly, i just don't know how on earth Michelle is gonna cope, they were sisters basically and seeing her reaction is going to break me i know it".

"Be gentle yeah, its gonna be a massive shock" Johnny said as he looked at the ground.

"Yeah, anyway iv'e gotta get back to the pub, give everyone my love yeah" She said.

Johnny turned around to see Kate and Aidan sat on the steps of underworld.

"Hey guys" he said as he sat down next to her.

Kate had tears in her eyes and Aidan was trying to console her.

"How did it happen?" Kate managed to say through her ongoing tears.

"I don't know love, but the police are no doubt finding that out" Johnny said as he pulled her in for a hug.

"Look we wont be opening this place for a while okay, just a week or so while everyone comes to terms with the death" he said as he stood up and unlocked the door.

"dad what are you doing" Aidan asked.

"Look i'm just going in to sit in the office for a bit" he said as he closed the door behind him.

"Do you think he will be alright" Kate asked her brother Aidan.

"Honestly, i don't know" he said as he held Kate close.

So the explosion is thought to have been caused by a chef in the kitchen forgetting to turn off the stove, and Nick is now aware of this, what will he do? Also Michelle, Carla's best friend and more like a sister is coming home but how will she react when she finds out Carla has died?

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