Chapter 4

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Its now the day before the funeral and Nick and Michelle have been busy trying to make it perfect for such a perfect woman.

"How about we play the song 'shine' by years and years?" Michelle asked Nick.

"Did she like it did she?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, it was one of her favourites" Michelle smiled at the thought of when they used to listen to it together.

"Ok we will have that, and what else needs done" he asks.

"That's it really, i think were done" she sighs.

Nick looked at the picture that was going on her coffin. He rubbed his hand over her face.

"I miss her so much" he says as he continues to stare at the picture. "so do i" she says as she places her hand on his back.

"Tomorrows going to be hard" he said as placed the picture down and went at sat on the couch.

"It will, but Carla will want us to be strong for her" Chelle says. Nick nods.

"Who's reading at the funeral?" he questions.

"You, me and Johnny" she smiles. "The 3 most important people in her life" she says.

"Oh Michelle did you know Carla was pregnant" he says as he turns around to face her.

"No way! was she?!" she asked as tears threatened to pour from her eyes. "Yeah, we were gonna have a baby, our own little family" he said as he smiled to himself, thinking about the thought of him, Carla and their baby together.

"She would've been an amazing mum, iv'e always told her that" Michelle smiled back to the times of 2014 where she was pregnant with Peters baby but had a miscarriage. "she would've" Nick confirmed.

"Anyway i need to get going, i need to go and see Johnny about the funeral and i need to find Robert and ask him about the explosion" Nick said as he picked up his jacket.

"Nick, make sure you don't do anything stupid, yeah?" Michelle said to him, he only looked at her and went out the door.

Michelle feared that after the funeral he will focus on pointing the blame and going against what Carla would have wanted, she feared that he would spiral out of control and maybe effects of his previous brain injury would make a comeback.


"Oh hey Nick, come in mate" Johnny said as he opened the door to reveal a broken looking nick.

"Thanks" he said as he looked around at the flat, he noticed a picture of Carla on the cabinet. He stared at it for a few seconds before focusing on Johnny.

"So erm, tomorrow, you're reading at the funeral?" Nick asked, getting confirmation.

"Yeah, i know i wasn't really there for Carla for most of her life but i loved her, so much" he said as he held his speech in his hand.

"She loved you as well, don't ever forget that" Nick said as he smiled at him.

"i know, but i just feel so bad for not having that 40 years or so to get to know my own daughter and now shes gone" he said as tears started brimming in his eyes.

"Look Johnny, what happened was beyond terrible, but Carla would want us to carry on and be brave for her" Nick said

"Easier said than done"

"You know what, i cant just be brave for her, because what happened was more sinister i believe. None of my chefs have ever left the stove on in the whole time they've been here but conveniently now, on my wedding day, they do" he says as he starts to get worked up.

"Nick, we cant prove that" Johnny said sounding weak.

"The police might not, but someone had to have seen Robert that day or around that time"

"Do you think it was Robert?" Johnny questioned.

"Yeah, because earlier in the day i told him that i already had a chef doing the food, and he took it badly so i said he could cook some of the meat because he is good at that, and he said okay but he still seemed angry, and i could hear banging from the kitchen and yelling... I know it was him" Nick said angrily.

"Well if it was hes gonna pay, big time" Johnny said as he raised his eyebrows at Nick.

Nick looked away and looked down at the ground. He has to make Robert own up. But he knows its going to be harder than he could imagine. Then he had a bright idea.

"Thanks Nick for coming over, ill see you tomorrow" Johnny said.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow"

Nick made his way outside and across to the rubble of his restaurant.

"Hi, may i help you" The police man asked as Nick was eyeing the charred remains up and down.

"yeah, this was my business, i lost my wife in the explosion, and i'm just wondering if any of the security cameras in my premises survived the blast?" Nick asked.

"In actual fact sir, yes, there is one in the kitchen that seems to be okay, we haven't watched the footage yet if that's what you're wondering" The man in uniform said.

"Right, would i be able to have a look at that, i have a feeling the explosion was deliberate, not just an accident" Nick informed the man.

"Oh really, are you sure?"

"Well i just need to see this footage before i go any further" Nick slightly smiled.

"Look, i cant give it to you but the manager of the investigation will, hes just around the corner" he said.

Nick walked around the corner to see a man in a black suit sitting in a mufti cop car. "Hi, your officer said you had some footage from the kitchen security camera?" Nick asked.

"Yes i do, but i cant give it out to strangers"

"Sorry, I'm Nick Tilsley, this was my business and i lost my wife in the blast" he said.

"Oh i'm so sorry for your loss, of course, here it is, just plug it in and all should be available" he said as he handed over the camera.

"Thankyou. Also how is the investigation going?" Nick asked curiously.

"We're getting there, we have actually found traces of fuel in the kitchen area, but we aren't sure if that was a leak or what" the man said.

"Oh really. Thanks for letting me know" Nick said confused.

He headed back to his flat where he opened the camera footage on his laptop and was horrified at what he saw.

The Bistro blast - Coronation Street [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now