Ch. 18: Flirt

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"Kanae, Palatino likes this one." I pointed at the picture that Palatino was pointing at.

"I see, I see. How about you? Do you want anything?" Kanae nodded, reading the menu.

"How unusual for you to ask me." I giggled.

"Really? I thought it's normal for him." Kunai joined in.

"Celeste, is he really a good guy?" Palatino tugged my long sleeve, pointing at him as he did.

"Not at all." I bluntly answered.

"Hey. Don't ignore me." Adam blurted out.

"But I already know about it." Kanae and I answered simultaneously, not looking at him.

"Was I that obvious?" Adam sounded worried. I don't know what he's worried about. The fact that we didn't react or the fact that we knew about it before he could have a chance to explain. He is a bit disappointed since Cervi was the only one who was shocked-- in fact, he is the only one who reacted. All of us ignored him. Kanae and I already knew about it, and Kunai and Palatino doesn't know what we're talking about.

"Kunai, who's your brother?" I again ignored Adam's worried question.

"Ah, he's in Year 11 and has a big and muscular build and--"

"He's Eskar." Kanae interrupted. He doesn't want time getting wasted. To make things short, he's-- wait who is he again?

"Eskar...? Hmm... That guy that tried to bully you?" I furrowed my eyebrows, thinking deeply about the two. I wonder how they even survived each other. "That guy that AC is with?" I further asked.

"Yeah. That guy." Kanae answered. "Hey, you two, what do you want to eat?" He faced the father and son.

"I'm not hungry." Adam quickly replied.

"I will just go to another table so you wouldn't have to pay." Cervi politely excused himself and went to the opposite table across us. Adam followed him.

Now that those two are way over there, I could relax now and focus on the food that will soon be in front of me. Oh right, I'm not going to eat... That's a pity.

Kanae raised his hand and told the waiter our order. After that, the atmosphere feels heavy and no one wanted to speak up. When those two aren't around, we couldn't find a topic to talk about. Kunai and Kanae aren't even talking anymore! Did they finally ran out of things to say earlier?

Then a thought hit me. I stood up from my seat and proceeded to walk towards the exit without uttering a single word.

"Where are you going, Missy?" Kanae asked.

"I don't want to bother you." I answered, turning to him.

"But you do know that the person I was waiting for is Adam, right?"

"Yes. Continuing from earlier, this was the scene before those two came in, isn't it? I will continue the scene from earlier. I leave Palatino in your care." I bowed, dismissing myself.

I saw a glimpse of Kanae's open mouth but after that, he immediately shut it and turned away. I don't need to see their expressions anymore. My job here is done, isn't it?

Walking mindlessly towards nothing. I don't remember the path that I took. I'm so hopeless, aren't I? I know a lot of my weaknesses already.

1. I suck at Maths, despite being smart at everything else.
2. I have no sense of direction.
3. I'm not good with handling my emotions, despite being a great actress.

Sigh. I wish someone can remove these weaknesses of mine.

I thought as I reached a bridge. Where the hell am I now? This is actually a nice bridge... Aah! I shouldn't stray away from what I should do. I should find a way to my house immediately. But before that, staring at the scenery at this bridge is perfect.

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