Ch. 23: Deane Ryan (page 3)

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Saturday. Oct 15.

It was a beautiful day...if you ignore everyone, that is.

I stayed in my dark bedroom, staring at all the blood red colours that are within-- the ceiling, the walls, my bed...

Zan already left the residence. I don't know if Joan will hypnotise him again if he reaches her. After all, even if Joan is my best friend, I can't understand what goes in her mind.

I hear a knocking on my door. I guessed it's Angelo since he's the only one in this house to ever knock in my room. Even if it's not in my house, he's the only one who's polite enough, out of everybody I know, that will knock. "Little Miss, are you there?" He called out.

I groaned in reply and did not answer back.

"You haven't eaten your breakfast yet."

Again, no answer.

After a while, I hear his footsteps slowly fading away. He was walking away, maybe guessing that I wasn't in the mood to eat or just don't want to eat at all. I'm like that sometimes. I openly tell him that I don't want to eat any meals may it be starters, breakfast, lunch, supper or even snacks!

I turned my whole body to the other side of the bed, now facing the drawer and the window. On cue, my phone placed on the drawer rings.

I lazily picked it up after it rings more and placed it on my ear. "What?" I asked, annoyed.

"What are you doing right now?" He excitedly asks despite knowing that I'm annoyed.

"Trying hard not to kill you." I answered blankly.

"Oh come on, Little Miss." He laughed like I'm joking. "I'm going to visit you. You're still at your house?"


"Great, bye." He hung up.

I care less about the situation right now. I'm annoyed about everything and everyone. Why? Because I can't find any new informations regarding Deane Ryan. It's like he knows that someone is searching for him and so, purposely tried to play hard to get. Can I even catch him? I can't if he can disguise as anyone.

I burrowed my head in my soft white pillow. After a moment, I sensed someone coming. Knowing that it may be Kanae, I ignored it.

I hear my front door open. That was the time I started panicking. Kanae never opens my front door nor knock on it!

Despite the panic I'm feeling right now, I stayed calm, still my head buried in my pillow.

"Oh, welcome Kanae. What brings you here today? You never entered through the front door before." I hear Angelo comment. So he knows Kanae. Knowing this, Kanae still prefers to enter through my bedroom window.

Wait-- Kanae, was it? Angelo asks Kanae...right?

I'm beginning to sweat and panic even more. Kanae... There's something wrong with him, I know.

Footsteps coming closer towards my bedroom.

"Entertain her. She's out of the mood today." Angelo told him before he leaves.

The knob turned and the door opened. The person in front of me looks like Kanae. He paid attention to the details. I should applaud his observing skills.

I decided to play around until I corner him so I can attack him without him trying to run away. Is this Deane's ability? Is the person in front of me Deane?

"Kanae, go away!" I insisted, going back to burying my head in my pillow. "What's your business anyway?!" I asked, muffled from the pillow, hoping that he understood what I said.

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