Ch. 21: Objection!

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I stayed sitting at the rooftop to spend the night. It was chilly, but the cold never bothered me. Because I could clearly see the moon, a light source that God created. It was also relaxing, despite the harsh cold weather. As I remember, it's still autumn, where red-orange, orange, and yellow-orange leaves started to fall. It is that time of the year where it's windier and colder than usual. It can't be helped, can it? After all, this is a place where 4 seasons occur.

Am I actually reminiscing everything that I have learned as a demon in disguise?! I'm surprised at myself!

As thoughts keep circling back and forth in my head, the sun started to rise without notice. Ah, I still have school today. What a bummer. I wish I wouldn't attend school anymore. That damn Patricia and Johnny wanted me to be there. I wonder why though.

I shouldn't waste my time like this. I should get going before this sun just starting to rise will become the sun starting to set.

I levitated my way through the bedroom window, flawlessly entering it. I can get used to this.

I traveled my way to my parents' room, currently occupied by a sick Zan. I face the door with no sign of hesitance. I barged in without knocking like it's my own room. "Hey Zan." I called out.

Zan jolted. He was instantly woken up by my voice. He immediately sat up soon after he jolted, looking like he was just in a nightmare. His sweat is covering him like waterfalls. Is he ok, I wonder? Is this normal for a human, I wonder? That's the third gross thing I've ever encountered from being a human. One is the suspicious looking long yellow fruit called banana, another is when tears fall from the eyes, and now this-- I can't explain it.

"What's wrong, Celeste?!" Zan asked with extreme panic and fear. Is it fear for my life or his? I shouldn't get arrogant now. Of course he's worried about his life more than mine.

"N-nothing. H-how are you?" I awkwardly stuttered to make a meaningful conversation out of this. His waking will just be a waste if I don't make a reasonable excuse out of this.

"Ah..." He hung his head. I'm glad that he calmed down. "To be honest, I'm quite grateful that you suddenly barged in. For me, it was a way to wake me up. I...have this nightmare, you know." He meekly responded. It's hard to determine if this is usual or not.

"What about it?" I asked, not moving from my place.

"Well...." He stared into space. I don't know why but my thoughts are telling me that the only reason why he's wasting his time in this is because he is hesitant on whether or not he will tell me. Is it that hard for him to tell me?

"You know what, never mind. You're wasting my time staring into space like that. I'll go get ready for school. You should rest some more." I decided to let him be alone for a while with a statement that sounds convincing.

Before Class.

I passed by the guard, ignoring his existence completely. I went straight to my locker, without looking at anything else.

As I make my way to the classroom, I hear voices from inside. I was hesitant at first whether or not I listen. But I followed what my guts told me and listened to it anyway. I cautiously placed my left ear on the door and started to carefully listen to the conversation.

"Do you think she'll know?"
"Of course not! That dumb bitch is one step behind. She's left in the dark and there's no way she can get out of it!"
"How can you say that?"
"Because her broad knowledge about the people she thinks are involved in this case actually contradicts to the limited knowledge of the case itself. That is our main plan. Unfortunately, that is also our weakest spot. If ever she knows the answer since we are quite unsure on what she knows yet, that would surely be a problem. But don't worry. I'll make sure she doesn't."

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