2-Jeanine's plan

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It have passed 3 years since that day. Reyhanne talked and walked. She was happy with her family.

It was middnight. Reyhanne was sleeping in her bed peacefully. But little did she know about what was happening outside her window.

Max looked at the girl with his big eyes. He broke the glass and entered her room. Reyhanne woke up looked around her scared. Max took a scarf and put it on her mouth, making Rey fall asleep again.

When she woke up, she was in the arms of a blonde lady.

"Hello, Reyhanne."

"Who are you? Are you a friend of my father?"

"Yes, I am. And I have a surprise for you because I forgot yesterday was your birthday."

"A surprise! Yey!"

Reyhanne smiled and Jeanine let her down.

"Come with me."

Jeanine extended her hand to the girl. She took it and walked to a big door with her.

"The surprise is on the other side."

Jeanine fake smiled and let Reyhanne's hand.

"Ok. Thank you, miss!"

And Reyhanne opened the door. It let her to a forest. She turned to the lady.

"Goodbye, little Reyhanne Eaton!"

And Jeanine closed the door and laughed evily. The door dissapeared and Reyhanne didn't know what to do.

"Help! Please, help!"

Ben Solo was walking around. He saw her.

"The vision." He wispered and ran to her. "Hey, what happened?"

"Well, I-I lost." Reyhanne said and wiped the tears from her eyes. Ben took her hand.

"And where are your parents?"

"On the other side of the door. But the door dissapeared. And so did them." And tears started falling on her cheeks again. Ben took her hand.

"Hey, don't cry. Come with me."

Reyhanne nodded and followed Ben. "What's your name?"

"Ben. Ben Solo. Yours?"

"Reyhanne Eaton. Daughter of Marcus Eaton and Evelyn Eaton."


"The liders of Abnegation. From Chicago." She said as she put her hand in the pocket of her grey pants.

Then, they both stayed silent till they reached the destination. Luke was waiting for them.

"It was real." Luke said as he stared at the girl.

"Told you." Ben said. "Reyhanne, this is my uncle, Luke."

"Hello, mister Luke. My father would have been happy for meeting you." And they shook hands.

"Reyhanne, follow me." Luke said and took her to a hut. Reyhanne sat on the bed and looked at Luke. "Ben!"

"Yes?" Ben said.

"We need to enter her mind."


"We need to know if she is the real." Luke raised his hand. Ben followed his actions. "I am sorry, Reyhanne, but this will hurt a bit."

The girl nodded and closed her eyes. Ben was concentrated on her memories. It showed her parents, her brother, the city and her friends.

"It is her."

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