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                                                                   Chapter 3

I starred at the wolf; he was the same wolf from the woods when I first got here.  He is my mate. 

Zoey?!  Jeremy yelled.  I heard some cracking and banging from upstairs and within seconds Jeremy was in here.  Jason came running in followed by the rest of the boys.  I stared at the wolf, but was pulled out of my thought when I heard growling and snapping.  I looked over and saw seven wolves, all different colors. 

The black wolf started growling back, and that did it.  Jason jumped at the black wolf and it looked like they were wrestling.  And by the looks of it Jason was winning, I was shocked.  I couldn’t move, part of me wanted to rip of Jason’s head and the other wanted to run away.  I heard some snapping and looked back at Jason and the black wolf.  The black wolf was trying to get up but every time it would try Jason knocked it back down.  I looked down and saw I was shaking from head to toe, I was going to change.  I heard some ripping and realized I was on all fours.  Before I knew what I was doing I was in front of the black wolf growling at Jason.  I tried to walk away but couldn’t, it was like my wolf was taking over. 

Jason was surprised and backed up; I grabbed a hold of the black wolf with my teeth and started dragging it out of the house.  I dragged him over to the woods and walked back inside. 

I went to my room and Carly wasn’t there.  I walked over to my bathroom and changed back; grabbing a towel I got some clothes and put them on before going back outside with a first aid kit. I got back to the black wolf that was still in the same position only this time his eyes were brighter, and not as smoky.  I smiled and looked him over, he had a couple glass pieces wedged into his skin.  I pulled them out and set them in my first aid kit.  I turned back to him and looked him over, he is my mate?  I pet him, and smiled at him, I always felt more happy and safe around him.  Is this how it is supposed to feel?  Because honestly the only time I have felt like this is when I was with my family, before my mom died.  I felt a tear slowly trail down my cheek.  The black wolf nudged me, and I looked at him and smiled. 

“I have to go,” I whispered.  I got up and walked to the house. 


“Where is Carly?” I asked Nick. 

“I don’t know I haven’t seen Jeremy or her since you went wolf,” He said. 

I laughed, “I’ll leave them to it then.” 

“What do you know that I don’t?”  He asked. 

“It would be better if Jeremy told you,” I said. 

“Zoey, come here!” I heard Jason yell. 

I sighed, “If I don’t come back within 30 minutes come look for me,” I said.  He chuckled, and I walked off. 

I walked into the living room, “What?” I asked Jason. 

“I need you to tell me…” he started, “is that black wolf your mate?” I looked at him, sighing I nodded.  He looked at me, first with sadness and then anger.  He slammed his fist into the wall, and then stormed out of the room.  I sighed and started walking upstairs, what was wrong?  That I got a mate?  I got to my room and plopped down on my bed.  What was I going to do?

I heard the door open and sat up, it was Carly. 

“Hey,” I said. 

She sat next to me, “Did he tell you?” I asked. 

She nodded, “Everything.” 

I sighed, “Are we still friends?”

She looked at me with shock, “Of course, why wouldn’t we be?”

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