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                                                                        Chapter 2

I woke up around seven; hmm I wonder how this mind thing works. 

Get your lazy asses up! 

I heard some groaning and then someone spoke; Who taught her how to do that?  

It was Jason, I taught myself, sort of.   

I heard multiple groans, You want to groan, I will give you something to groan about.  I laughed, and started singing really bad.

Make it stop! Someone yelled. 

I laughed, I will once you all get your butts up.   I heard some shuffling, and my door flew open. 

“Everyone is up now,” Jason said. 

I smiled, “So it works, that’s good to know,” I said. 

I got up and grabbed some clothes heading towards the bathroom.  I put on a strapless white shirt that has a black lace belt, with my favorite short-shorts, and some black heels with an open toe.  I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. 

“You’re wearing that?”  Jeremy asked. 

“Yeah you got a problem?”  I said. 

“Go upstairs and change Zoey,” Jason said. 

“No, now let’s go,” I said. 

I heard a couple slight gasps and looked around, “What did I do now?” 

“Nothing,” Jason said, giving the guys a glare. 

“Whatever, Jason can I drive today?”  I gave him my best puppy dog face, ha-ha I knew his weakness. 

He sighed knowing he couldn’t fight me, “Fine,” he threw me the keys and I walked out of the house.  I got in the car, and waited for the boys to get in. 

“You’re letting her drive?!” I heard Jeremy whisper to Jason, once he saw me. 

He nodded, “This way the boys can get used to her.” 

“Used to her, they will never get used to her, I mean she is my sister and she still surprises me!” he whispered again. 

“Whatever just make someone switch with you,” Jason said.

 He nodded, “Hey Nick, you are riding in the car today!” Jeremy yelled, and I chuckled.  Nick nodded and got in along with Derek and Jason.  Once they got in I backed up and speed out of the driveway.  Good thing I remember where the school is. 

I parked where Jason told me and got out.  Derek and Nick were still sitting in the back, with wide eyes looking like they were about to die. 

“Come on!” I yanked Nick’s door and pulled him out.   

He snapped out of and got out, “Get Derek out too,” I said, looking over at Derek who was still sitting there. 

Jeremy parked next to us and got out, “Looks like they aren’t used to your driving.” He said looking at Derek. 

I laughed, “They will soon enough,” I said, walking towards the school.  Everyone was staring at me but then quickly looked away, wonder what that is all about me.  There were a few girls who were glaring at me, but looked behind me and instantly looked away.  I looked behind me and saw the boys walking right behind me; I sighed and walked faster, hoping to get away.  I got in the school and saw the sign that said Office and walked that way.

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