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                                                            Chapter 14

I woke up screaming “Stop!” only to realize I was lying on a couch.  Something or should I say someone walked in front of me.

“Zoey, please just listen to me,” He pleaded.             

“Chase?” I asked getting confused.  Why was I with Chase?  How did I even get here?

He grabbed my hand as I tried to run and stopped.

“Chase I have nothing to listen to, we’re mates, that doesn’t give you permission to get a fuck buddy,” I said trying to stay calm.

I yanked my hand out of his, almost changing my mind, and walked out the door.  I quickly ran and shifted, wanting to get away as soon as possible.

What are you doing, go back! My wolf shouted at me.

Shut up! Just Shut UP! I snapped.

I ran back to the house and up to my room, thankfully my window was open.  I shifted and got some clothes on before walking downstairs.  Walking into the kitchen I opened the fridge looking for some food.

“Zoey, you’re back!”

I let out a scream and hit my head on the top of the fridge.  I dropped the jar of pickles I had, causing the jar to shatter and fly all over.

I groaned, “Now look, you just ruined perfectly good pickles!”

“Sorry,” Carly said sheepishly.

I carefully stepped around the glass and gave Carly a hug.

“So where’s Jason?” She asked.

I froze and unwrapped my arms from her, “He hasn’t come back yet?”

She shook her head, “Where were you anyway?”

“I woke up at Chase’s and high tailed it out of there.”

“What happened with you and Chase anyway?” Carly asked.

I looked at her, “No one told you?”

She shook her head again, “They told me that you had to tell me.”

“I walked in on him,” I took a deep breath, “doing it with some girl.”

Carly gasped, “Zoey,”

I put my hand up to silence her, “Don’t worry about it.”

I got the broom and started cleaning the broken glass while Carly stood there, jaw hitting the floor.  I threw the glass away and scrubbed the floors quickly.  I looked up once I was done to see Carly still standing there.

“What?” I asked.

“How are you fine with this?” She asked.

“Like I said don’t worry about it, I’m over it.”

She shook her head, “No Zoey you’re not over it, I know you.”

“Well maybe seeing things like that change your perspective,” I said shoving the broom into her hands and running outside.

I shifted once in the woods and ran for as far as I could.  I stopped when I saw a light.  I walked around trying to find the source.  I almost started running again but stopped when I saw something that I never wanted to see.

I shifted back, “Jason,” I whispered, “NO!”

I ran over to him and looked at all the bruises and cuts.  He looked like he lost a lot of blood.

Carly get the boys’ and the pack doctor quick! I yelled.

I looked around and found some clothes in a tree and quickly put them on.  I was so thankful we put clothes in a couple trees around here.

I got down next to Jason and brushed his hair out of his face.  I put my face in my hands and cried.  He can’t be dead, right?

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up expecting Carly.

“Chase what are you doing here?” I asked not wanting to put up with him.

“I came to make sure you were all right,” he said.

“I don’t need you, go away.” I said wiping a tear from my face.

I looked back at Jason.  How could this happen?  Who would do this?  And most importantly why?  I just don’t understand.  Did he do something?  Sure he made me made but I would never wish this for him.

His arm was bleeding and to tell you the truth it was making me a little queasy.  I tore of a strip of his already ripped shirt and wrapped his arm tightly with it and tied a knot. 

A hand touched my shoulder and I looked up, relieved that it was Jeremy.  He pulled me up and into a hug while the other boys worked on picking up Jason.  I buried my head into Jeremy’s chest crying.  I couldn’t lose another family member.  It would be too much for me to handle, too much for everyone.

“Zoey, it will be fine,” Jeremy whispered.

I looked up at him, “How do you know?”

“Because Jason never goes down without a fight,” He said a smile coming to his face.

I nodded and let him lead me after the boys’ carrying Jason.

“How do you think this happened?” I asked.

He shook his head, “I don’t know he never came home after he went out to fight Chase.”

I stopped, “Do you think Chase could have done this?”

“It’s possible, they both were pretty pissed at each other,” he said.

“Jeremy I’ll be home soon, tell me if anything happens,” I said.

He nodded, said, “Don’t do anything stupid,” and continued walking after Jason with Carly.

I turned and walked back to the crime scene, my hands in fists. I got back and saw Chase was starting to walk home.

“Did you do this?” I asked pointing towards the blood on the ground.

He turned around, “Zoey, I know it looks bad but I honestly didn’t do this.”

“And how can I trust you Chase, with all the other things you’ve done.”

“Zoey, I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes but I would never do this to anyone, especially not your brother!” he yelled.

I felt my fists shaking, “Well then who else would do this, you two fought less than 12 hours ago!”

“Zoey listen to me,” he said grabbing my wrists forcing me to look at him, “I did not do this.”

I laughed, “Something inside me wants to believe you but I just…don’t know anymore.”

I turned and started walking when Chase’s hand reached out and grabbed me by the wrist.

“Zoey, I just…need you to know, I still love you.”

I looked at him and leaned in giving him a light kiss on the lips, “I still love you too.”

I pulled my hand out of his and jogged off towards my house.


I am extremely sorry for not uploading in a while.  I have been busy whatnot..

So remember to comment, vote and fan.  I would really like some people to comment and vote, but I know I need to fix some grammer and english so I wouldn't blame you.  Even if you didn't want to because it was a crappy chapter or are just to lazy I'm fine with it.  Thanks for reading! :)

<3 Megan :D 

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