Dr. Harleen Quinzel

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"Some may never live, but the crazy never die."

Doctor Harleen Quinzel looked at her reflection. It was 3 am and she was still in the T-shirt of Mickey Mouse that she used for sleeping. She was more than tired but just couldn't fall asleep. Something was bothering her and she would give anything to know what that damn thing was. Her life was close to perfect at the moment. A psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum: a job she worked hard and dreamed for since she was little. Getting it was far from easy. But it was worth it according to her. Being able to talk to the most wanted and dangerous criminals and get an insight on what was going on in their heads was a dream come true for her. But it was taking its toll and that's why instead of sleeping soundly in her bed,she was standing in front of the bathroom mirror wondering if she should try and go to sleep or just give up and get ready for the day. Finally a yawn escaped her mouth and the choice was obvious. Harleen went back to her bedroom and lay on the bed staring at the ceiling for some time before closing her eyes. After 10 minutes of searching for the right position,she fell into a dreamless sleep.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

Harleen opened her baby blue eyes to look at the annoying alarm clock. She would love to sleep a couple hours more, but she knew that it was not an acceptable behaviour for the adult she was supposed to be. And her boss wouldn't be happy at all. Harleen was the newest doctor in the asylum and everyone kept their eyes on her just waiting for a mistake. Some were jealous of her perfect degree while others just did it for entertainment. With that thought she slipped out of bed and headed towards the shower. After the warm water washed away the sleepiness, Harleen stepped into the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee,which she drank greedily. She put on a white button up shirt and a tight black skirt and slipped her lab coat on top. Her hair was made in a bun that left only some strands of blond hair to make it look informal. She got her glasses and was finally ready to leave. Her high heels clicked in the quiet morning as she made her way to her car. A friendly old woman that lived in the apartment next to her waved her goodbye from her window and Harleen waved back with a smile. Then she started her car and after 20 minutes she was in front of the asylum. She parked near the entrance and took her bag and files from the back seat.
"Good morning, Doctor Quinzel!" The guard at the entrance smiled at her as she walked by.
"Good morning,Fred! How are you today?" She asked friendly.
"Well it's going to be an interesting day." After he saw the look on her face he added: "Didn't you hear? They caught the Joker himself. They are bringing him here today."
"What? When did this happen?" She was surprised and excited. The clown prince. The most dangerous criminal. And she was going to be in the same building with him. Harleen knew that she shouldn't be so happy about this but she just couldn't help it.
"Last night at about 3 am. I thought they told you already or that you have heard on the news. It has been everywhere since then."
She cursed herself mentally for not watching the news in the morning and thanked Fred before walking up to her office.

(A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you liked the first chapter. This is my second fanfic and I'm really trying hard so if you liked it please rate or leave a comment. Thanks for reading and see ya in chapter 2. <3)

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