The Escape

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The first thing Harleen heard were screams. She thought she was having a nightmare again. After all it wasn't something new for her. But even though she could hear them,she couldn't see anything. Harleen tried to ignore them and went to turn around in her sleep until she realised that she couldn't. Her eyes were so heavy when she tried to open them.
"Hey, I think she's waking up."
That remark made Harleen wake up completely. But she showed no sign of it. Memories came rushing back to her. She remembered Jokers request and Frost. Did he kidnap her? Harleen tried to figure out where she was without opening her eyes. Her hands and feet were tied down. She couldn't move her head either. It felt like she was laying on something really cold and uncomfortable. She opened her eyes in shock when she finally realised what was going on. Her eyes landed on a strong lamp right in front of her eyes.
"Good morning,sleeping beauty." A man wearing a panda mask said to her.
"Who are you? Why are you doing this?"
"Oh we are not,honey. Just following orders."
Harleen looked around nervously.
"Who's orders?"
She heard a laugh behind her. Chills ran up and down her spine. Harleen could recognise that sound anywhere.
"What do we have here?" Joker said with a high pitch voice.
His face got really close to hers as he leaned. She could feel his warm breath on her face.
"What are you gonna do? You're gonna kill me, Mr J?" Harleen asked with panic creeping in her voice.
Joker laughed at that.
"Oh I'm not gonna kill ya. I'm just gonna hurt ya. Really,really bad." He said in a low voice. His face was inches away from hers.
Harleen knew that there was no escaping this. And part of her didn't want to. She signed up for this when she agreed to help him. A sudden determination overtook her and she looked straight into his eyes.
"You think so? Well I can take it." She smiled at him.
He looked shocked for a second but quickly composed himself. Then he pulled out a leather belt and tried to put it in her mouth so she could bite it. When she refused to he said:
"Believe me,darling,you'll need this. We don't wanna ruin that beautiful smile of yours,do we?"
Harleen opened her mouth and bit the leather hard. She never looked away from Joker. He had to know that she was not afraid of him. He wasn't going to kill her. She could see it in his crazy eyes.
He hesitated for a while but finally smiled and leaned over her. He touched both sides of her head with the orbs. A shock run up and down her body making her shiver in pain. She bit hard on the belt and closed her eyes tightly. It felt like her head was about to explode from the pain.
Harleens body convulsed beneath him as he finally stopped the machine. She felt like an eternity has passed when in reality it was less than a minute.
"Oh look at you... Taking it like a champion." Joker cooed in her ear.
She just let out a whimper and tried to focus her eyes on him.
Everything was a huge blur. Her head felt lighter and she couldn't really feel her limps.
"Don't worry,honey. Side effects are bound to occur. You should be all fun and games tomorrow."
He leaned over her and kissed her on the forehead. Then he turned to his henchmen.
"Come on,boys. Time to go."
Joker turned his back towards Harleen and started walking away.
"See you soon, Harley Quinn." He cooed and let out a manic laughter.
When she heard the door slam shut she finally let the tears fall from her eyes.
He did this to her and he thought he was going to get away with it. Just leaving her there. Harleen struggled to release her hands in vain. The table was designed to keep a strong, insane man down. She stood no chance.
Just when she was going to give up she heard footsteps and voices in the hall. For a moment she thought that the Joker and his people were coming back. But when they came in she saw heavily armed police officers,who quickly untied her.
"Are you okay, miss?"
She opened her mouth to answer but couldn't. Her whole body was shaking and she felt like fainting.
"Take her to the medics. Fast." Said the one who untied her and she was handed into the arms of other policemen.
Harleen didn't remember much after that. The one thing she could think about was the Joker. She was going to find him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2016 ⏰

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