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Harleen woke up in her bedroom with a massive hangover. It felt like her head was about to explode from pain. She slowly sat up and looked around the room. Her beautiful red dress was tossed recklessly on a chair near her bed. How did she even manage to get home in that condition? Harleen let out a heavy sigh and rubbed her eyes. Just then her alarm clock announced that it was already 8 am. She jumped from the bed,which caused her to feel even more dizzy, and ran into the bathroom. She put the shower on freezing cold and went in, letting a little scream out when the water touched her warm body. That few minutes were like a torture to her but when she went out she felt a bit better. She quickly did her morning routine skipping breakfast and instead drinking some pills for that terrible headache. Harleen felt so mad at herself for drinking that much. Now she was late for work. Her boss would be thrilled to see her. And her first patient was the Joker. He would be even more happy. Note the sarcasm.
She ran out of her apartment,forgetting to lock the door at the process and jumped into her car. In 15 minutes she was in front of Arkham Asylum after some reckless driving. She hurried pass the guards and into the building feeling the eyes on her. Great that's just what she needed right now. The psychiatrists were looking at her like she had committed a double homicide. Oh come on it could happen to anyone! She tried to not pay attention to the judging eyes on her and took the stairs down to the heavy guarded patients. She should have been here 30 minutes ago. When she reached his cell she hesitantly stood in front of the door for some time. After gathering enough courage to open it she entered and looked straight at the Joker. He had his back towards her and was currently staring at the wall. She took a few steps closer and tapped lightly on the table with her nails. He ignored her completely.
"I know you are mad because I'm late." She almost whispered.
"Then you are wrong." He said with a deep voice. "You see I know exactly where have ever you been last night. That's what I am mad about."
She sat silent staring at the back of his head. She knew he would find out but didn't know he would be angry about it.
Then Harleen did something she had never done before. She put her hands on his shoulder. When he didn't react she slid her arms loosely around his neck and rested her head on the back of his. She hugged him. The Joker slowly lifted his arms and held hers. Then suddenly he pushed her away roughly.
"You know I felt humiliated... And now you have to help me." He stated looking directly in her eyes.
"Of course....I mean... with what?"
"I need a machine gun."
She looked at him in shock.
"A machine gun...?"
He raised his eyebrows silently asking her if she was stupid.
"Yes...a machine it..." She mumbled. "But where can I get one?"
"Don't worry about that sweetheart. I have thought of everything."

Three days later Harleen was in front of an abandoned house waiting for someone called Frost to appear. She didn't know why she agreed to this. It will surely get her fired or worst. She walked carefully to the front door and knocked lightly. No one answered. Harleen knocked again,a little bit louder this time, but with no luck.
"Well that's not good..." Harleen told herself while she was turning around to leave.
Right when she was making the first step she heard the door behind her open slowly. Harleen looked back cautiously and saw that nobody was there.
"Hello...?" She called out hesitantly. "Is anybody there?"
Harleen felt like the stupid blond from the horror movies. Instead of running she would just walk straight into the mouth of the beast. But for Joker she was ready to do anything. So she carefully stepped insight looking around like a deer in the headlights. There was nobody there.
"The Joker sends me... He told me someone would be waiting." She shouted again.
Nobody answered so she walked towards one of the open doors. It looked like it was a living room many years ago but now it was just a huge open space filled with broken furniture. In the middle of it was a kitchen table which was surprisingly still in good shape. On top of her there was a black bag which looked really out of place in the whole mess.
"Bingo! That must be it!" Harleen squealed excited that she could finally leave this hell hole.
She almost ran to the table and opened the bag slightly. It was full of weapons and ammunition.
"So I'll just take this and go... Thank you!" She shouted one last time and went to lift the bag. It was way heavier than she expected and she needed her two hands to lift and carry it to the door.
"Bye,bye." She said and closed the door. When she turned around she almost collided with a huge and buff man standing right behind her. Harleen took a step back and dropped the weapons.
"Who are you? What do you want?" She asked quietly.
The man laughed at that.
"I can ask you the same thing." He looked her up and down.
"I am Harleen Quinzel. The Joker sends me for the weapons." She was nervous and he could see that.
"He mentioned something like that."
Frost looked at her again and stepped out of her way letting her pass. She was halfway to her car when he called out.
"Hey, Doctor. I think you forgot something."
She turned around slowly and saw him walking towards her with the bag of weapons. In her hurry to get away from him she forgot to take them.
"Oh thanks." Harleen gave him a little smile and again turned around to unlock her car.
The last thing she remembered was the sharp pain in the back of her head before everything faded into darkness.

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