Drunkard Uruha

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   You walked down the long hallway backstage. You stopped at the boys' dressing room and lightly knocked on the door. "Can I come in?" You asked cautiously.
From the other side of the door you could hear Uruha's snores. "Yeah." Hearing Kai's response, you opened the door. As you walked in the smell of sweat, cigarette smoke, and liquor; hard liquor, hit you. Looking past Ruki's sleeping form in the corner and Reita removing his makeup,  you saw Uruha. He lay limp on the couch next to an empty bottle of Sake. "Did he drink this all by himself?" You said pointing at the bottles of alcohol littering the floor around him. "I tried to tell him not to. He's been asleep for a couple hours." Reita replied.  Patting down his teased hair, you sat next to him on the couch. This was not the first time he'd drunk himself to the point he'd passed out. You were starting to worry because now, it took more and more for him to get drunk. "You never learn, do you? You asshole..." You muttered and wiped away the small tears forming in your eyes. 

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