I'll Be Your Eyes

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"I know! I already told them-"
STOP. Let's assess the situation. Answering your phone, while crossing the road? As long as you're paying attention. A driver texting while driving? No. Never, because there's always the possibility that there'll be someone crossing the road. That YOU'LL be crossing the road.
And by the strike of luck, YOU WERE the one crossing the road. You were the one that was run over. You were the one waking up in the hospital. You were the one that was now blind.
"What the hell?! I can't see anything? Please! Someone help!" You struggled to get out of the bed.
"You can't leave yet! Please calm down. You were in an accident, and you're still injured." A nurse pushed you gently back down.
"I don't understand!" You brought your hands to your face. Everything seemed intact. Tears streamed down your face.
"I'm blind aren't I?" You sniffled as realization set in.
"For now, yes. But the doctors here are great! They'll be able to repair your eyesight once you've healed!" She chirped.
"And just how the hell am I gonna pay for all of this? There's no fucking way my insurance will cover all of this." You would've shot her a glare, had you known where she was.
"Watch your language missy! And you're right, your insurance won't cover it all. But the guy that ran you over, he's paying for it." You jumped at the sound of the door opening.
"Who's there?" You shrank into the covers.
"Speak of the devil!  I'll leave you two alone." The nurse left, and you were left alone with the stranger.
"You're the one who ran me over?"
You mumbled into the air.
"Yes. I'm sorry." You heard a man's voice come from beside your bed.
"I'm Uruha, and I was the one driving while texting. I'm just glad you woke up." He sighed.
The nerve of this guy.
"Well, yeah I'm awake, but thanks to you I'm also blind! And because you were texting on top of that!" You yelled.
"I'm sorry! I did something horrible to you, but it wasn't my intention!"
You breathed in.
"I know that. But you could've killed me, you need to be more responsible!"
"I intend on taking responsibility for my actions. I understand if you want to sue me, I'll pay whatever you ask for." He pleaded.
"No, as long as you pay for the surgery and time I'm away from work I won't sue you."  You replied.
The room filled with awkward silence. Why was he still even here?
"So... I noticed there isn't anyone here for you? I'm sure they're on their way."
You swallowed nervously.
"Nobody...Nobody's coming." You murmured.
"Oh." Yet again cue the awkward silence.
"I'll stay with you...If you'd liked of course! I'd never want to impose on you, I mean I already-"
"Yeah. I'd like that." You huddled deeper into the blankets and fell asleep.

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