The Bonnie To My Clyde

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"Get down and nobody gets hurt!" You yelled as you waved the gun in front of the cashier's face.
Uruha ran from behind you towards the cash register, and after prying it open, pulled out dozens of bills.
"We hit the jackpot baby!" He cackled.
You sighed.
"Uru! Hurry up!" You ordered. He was literally a child.
"Please, just get the money and get out!" A young man pleaded from below you. Hoping off the counter, you sighed.
  "You. You should really shut the fuck up,"
You pointed the gun at his head, and cocked it.
"Especially when someone has a gun to your head."
You sat back on the counter.
"We're ready to go baby." Uruha shot the surveillance cam, and ran out of the convenience store, you following. Once out, you were in his prized 1967 black Impala (ANYONE ELSE WATCH SUPERNATURAL??) racing down the road.
"How much did we get?" You asked.
"Around $500." He answered.
You smiled giving him a thumbs up.
You weren't in it for the money. It had never been about the money. It was the thrill. The adrenaline that ran through your veins when you were with Uruha, when you made your getaway. The smile plastered on his face, like that of a small child, as you ran off into the sunset together. That was why you did it.
"Shit!" You heard him yell as he glanced at the rear view mirrors.
You looked back, and trailing not far behind were the cops.
"Fuck! Go faster!" You shouted at him.
His foot hit the gas pedal harder.
"Stop the vehicle immediately, or we will open fire!" You heard them say on their speaker.
"Take care of them!" He screamed at you.
You cocked the gun once again, and leaned out of the window to fire quickly.
After four or five missed shots you dragged your torso back in. You ducked as you heard the hail of bullets behind you.
"Get down! Uruha!" You shouted, as he began swerving. The car was probably riddled by bullet holes by now, and the tires were losing air. Uruha turned to you, still smiling bright as ever.
"I love you. I love-"
Before he could finish, his body became limp against the steering wheel. Looking at his back you notice the bullet hole oozing blood. He was dead in a matter of seconds. At first gasping for air, and then the light leaving his eyes. Yet, he still kept that bright smile of his. And so did you.
"I love you too. I love-"

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