Bachlorette Party Madness

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"Ladies! We'll be meeting the groomsmen in a few minutes. You need to pick a partner, so that you can walk down with them." Charlie yelled clapping her hands together. The whole group of bridesmaids was currently in her bedroom, planning the small remaining details of her wedding.
"Fix your makeup! Smile! You have to make a good impression or else-" Before she could continue her rant you patted her in the back.
"Charlie, everything will be just fine. Just relax, okay?" You reassured her.
Charlie was your best friend, and it was your duty to make sure she happy.
You barely batted an eyelash before she was yelling again.
"They're here, they're here!" She squealed. "Do I look okay? Is my hair a mess?" You brushed out her bangs with your hand.
"You look perfect." You both walked out into her living room, and opened the door for the guys to come in.
"Jun!" She threw herself into her soon-to-be-husband's arms, kissing him affectionately.
He pulled back a few seconds later, to introduce the men standing next to him uncomfortably.
"This is my brother, Shin. And my friends, Aoi, Ruki, Kai, Reita, and Uruha."
Uruha. Your eyes widened as you saw him. He just seemed to...sparkle. His eyes shone brightly at you.
"Y/N? Hello? Earth to Y/N?" Charlie snapped you back into reality.
He walked towards you, and reached out his hand.
"You're pretty cute Y/N-chan."
He winked at you.
You blushed and looked away. He might've looked like a prince, but you could tell instantly he was a playboy.
"Well, I guess we know who your partner is." Ruki laughed.
"Y/N-chan, let's exchange phone numbers." He said getting closer to you.
You nodded and pulled out your phone.

That afternoon went by smoothly, everyone getting along quite well. You'd gotten all of the details finalized, and even decided on a date for the bachelorette party.
Uruha was nice, and behind that flirty attitude of his was an interesting character. You could tell he was a good guy, and were excited to have him as your date for the wedding.

*two weeks later*

You looked around frantically.
Did these hoes actually leave you behind?!
You groaned as you dialed a certain someone's phone number.
"Uruha? Thank god you picked up- I need a favor."
You waited patiently for him to come, and after around 10 minutes; he came. (I'm a perv 😉😉)
"Y/N, what happened?" He asked as he got out and opened your door.
You hopped in the car and huffed angrily.
"These assholes left me behind! Charlie and Tammy went back first, and I agreed to go back with the other girls later. But they left without me!" You buckled in and sighed.
"It so late, I'm so sorry for bothering you." You apologized.
"It's fine, I'm just glad you'll be getting back safely." He replied, and turned on the radio.
You leaned against the window. You were falling for him. And you were falling hard.
Once you reached the hotel, you both got out of the car. He insisted on bringing you to your room, and then he'd go back to his own room on the floor above you.
(Is that all you were thinking of doing uru😏)
You walked down he corridor, to reach your room.
"Thank you so much I-" You were very rudely interrupted by a loud thud from the room next to you. Both your eyes focused on the door next to yours, and more specifically the sounds coming from inside. Loud moans, and soft groans seemed to echo. And then, silence.
"This doesn't make any sense, Charlie's in that room."
"Jun is at the bachelor party..." Uruha added.
You heard the door handle jingle, and you ran off to hide behind a wall leading to another hallway. Out walked an unfamiliar man, his clothes disheveled and smeared with lipstick.
"I had fun Char. See you later." He waved goodbye and walked off.
You stared into Uruha's eyes.
"She's cheating on him." You said blankly.
"What should we do?" He asked.
"She's cheating on him." You repeated in disbelief. The Charlie you knew would never do this to someone. This was not your best friend. So just who exactly was she?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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