(Smut) Stuck In The Elevator

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   You walked into the elevator, your keys in hand, Uruha following behind.
"What do you want for dinner? I could make pasta or..." Uruha pushed you towards the wall, pressing his lips against yours gently.
"I don't care. I missed you so much." His lips trailed onto your neck, leaving soft kisses on your skin.
"Wait until we get home..." You mewled at the sensation. You'd probably missed him even more; you'd been so lonely the laST few months. But now he was home from tour, and he was all yours.
As you moaned into his kisses, the elevator shifted with a loud clash of metal, and stopped.
"What the fuck?" He backed away from you in surprise.
"We're not moving anymore... Are we stuck?" You asked nervously.
He pushed the emergency button, and took out his phone.
"No reception in here." He mumbled.
You did the same, and still no service.
You were stuck on the 4th floor.
Minutes passed, and still nothing happened, so you pressed the emergency button again.
"Y/N, don't worry. They're coming (you will too in a few scenes😉) for us. Please relax." You pulled your bag off your shoulder, and tossed it to the side. You sat, and closed your eyes. You'd always dreaded situations like these, simply because your anxiety would go through the roof. And Uruha knew that.
He sat beside you, and pulled you into a kiss.
"W-wait. We're still in an elevator." You stuttered. You wanted this just as badly, but in an elevator?
"I can't wait anymore." He breathed into your shoulder. You didn't even try to control yourself as you kissed him back roughly, your tongue licking at his bottom lip. His cold hands found their way underneath your sweater, blindly groping at your breasts. You moaned at his touch, his palms running over your nipples slowly.
"Do you like it when I do that?" He whispered happily into your ear.
You could only nod, as you squirmed.
"Touch me too baby." He groaned as he leaned closer to you. You rolled on top of him on the floor, your bodies entwined.
You ran your hands down his lean chest and hard abdomen, until they reached his groin. They hovered above his belt buckle for a second, before you undid it, and thrust your hand down. His eyes shut tightly, and he took a sharp breath.
"Hold on." He sat up and leant against the wall, pulling you along.
"I wanna kiss you." You continued your ministrations, pumping roughly, or squeezing him gently. All while your tongues danced against each other.
Your fingers were increasingly become wetter, and you could tell he was close.
Apparently, so could he, because he pushed you down roughly so he was the one on top.
His thin fingers pulled down your leggings, and panties in the process, and teased the soft flesh between your thighs.
You whimpered underneath him, as his fingers carefully slipped inside.
"Mmm...there... It feels really good.." You moaned as you clung to him.
After a few minutes, you were ready, and so was he. He put on a condom and lined himself against you. In a swift motion, he was inside of you; throbbing.
You lost your breath at the feeling of him, after so many months.
He rocked slowly at first, and then frantically, desperately looking for release.
"Say my name." He panted above you.
You gasped as he moved, closing your eyes in ecstasy.
With a groan, he finally pulled himself away from you, collapsing next to you on the floor. He was sweaty, and panting heavily, but nonetheless beautiful.
"I love you." He kissed you softly.
"I love you too." You kissed back.
//lowkey like 10 minutes later, the firefighters come and y'all get out of the elevator safely✨//

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