Are You...Jealous?

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Your phone buzzed. It was Uruha. 
//are you coming ?//

You typed back a quick text before looking back at your reflection in the mirror, and fixing your lipstick. You'd told Uruha you'd accompany him to a small get together between The Gazette and some of the people from the record label. You barely knew them, the people from the label, with the few exceptions of the one's you'd met at press meetings and birthday parties.
// I'm on my way//

Running out of the bathroom, you grabbed your purse from its seat on the counter, and turned off the lights on your way out. You made sure the door was locked, and then ran to your car.

//This is so boring I don't even know why I agreed to come  🙄//

Pulling out of your drive way, you glanced at your phone before tossing it into your purse. Wayyy too distracting.
15 minutes later, you were at some fancy restaurant, with a name you couldn't pronounce.

You pulled down the short red dress you'd decided to wear, and smoothed down your hair before walking in. The cold air nipped at your exposed skin, as you stepped in.

"Hey! Well, if it isn't Y/N!" You turned your head to see Sony, a young burly Italian man, before he pulled you into a hug.
"It's been a long time Sony." You laughed as you hugged back.
"Tell me, how's your mother?" He asked in his thick accent.
"She's doing fine, traveling mostly." You answered.
"Let me walk you to the table, the others are waiting for you." He guided you kindly, asking if you knew what you were in the mood to eat.
   As you reached the table, you couldn't help but notice the irritated expression on Uruha's face.
  After greeting Aoi, Ruki, Reita, Kai and a few others, you sat in the chair between Uruha and Sony. You whispered in Uruha's ear, "Sorry, I'm late."
  Opening the menu in front of you, you pondered what you'd eat.
   "Are you having trouble on what to order? I got the lasagna, it's delicious I tell you." He said pointing at the menu.
   "I guess I'll also get the lasagna." You nodded.
   You could basically see Uruha's eye roll from the corner of your eye and frowned.
  "What's up with you?" You asked.
   "Nothing. I'm just tired." He mumbled.
"It looks like you shoved a cactus up your ass, don't tell me you're just tired." You nudged his shoulder, and as predicted he laughed.
After eating, you'd all agreed on getting drinks and dessert, in celebration of a successful year for The Gazette.
   You ogled at all of the delicious desserts.
Specifically the tiramisu Sony had ordered.
    "You want to try some?" He held up the spoon to your mouth.
   "No thank you." You shook your head politely.
  "It's delicious..." He said bringing the spoon closer to you.
Uruha grumbled, smacking the spoon out of his hand.
"She already ordered a cheesecake, leave her alone." He glared at Sony.
  Your eyes bulged out of you head.
  "Hey, be nice!" Kai hit him over the back of Uruha's head.
"Boys, boys! It's fine, I was being pushy. I'm sorry Y/N." Sony said giving you an apologetic smile.
"It's fine." You replied. "Uruha, can you come outside with me for a second? I kind of need some air." He nodded and escorted you outside.
  "Why would you do that?" You snarled.
He yet again rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms.
"I don't know, because he's been bothering you all night? It so obvious he likes you. And seriously, you just keep stringing him along. Look at me once in a while, pay attention to me! You're my date." He yelled.
  You frowned and crossed your own arms across your chest.
"Do you know how immature you sound? It's up to me to decide wether or not he's bothering me. And stringing him along? Seriously?!" You huffed.
"I just... I don't know! Okay? I just don't like the way he's looking at you." He whined.
"You look like a toddler throwing a tantrum." You stifled a laugh.
"Pay attention to me! (NOTICE ME SENPAI) look at me!" You weren't even trying to hide your laughing at this point.
  "...could it be you're jealous?"
His brows not together, in confusion.
"Jealous... Is this what jealousy feels like?" He pouted.
" If this is what jealousy feels like, I don't like it."
  "I don't like jealousy either, so go in there, apologize for being rude, and eat your damn Cannoli!"
It was his turn to laugh.
"Alright, alright. But only if you give me some of your cheesecake." He smirked like an idiot.
"If you share your Cannoli."  You replied stepping inside the restaurant.

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