A Look Alike?!

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      You waited patiently for Uruha at Ruki's house for the barbecue. You were excited to be celebrating the Gazette's newest album, but were starting to wonder what was taking him so long. You weren't complaining though, Koron was keeping you company. "Hey, sorry we're late." Uruha chuckled. "This is Misa-chan." Uruha introduced you to his new girlfriend. You'd never admit it aloud, but you couldn't help but feel disappointed when Uruha told you he'd gotten a girlfriend. Partly because, well, you were in love with him. "Hi, I'm Y/N it's nice to meet you." You bowed politely. Misa's smile faded into a slight grimace once she saw you. "It's...nice to meet you." She replied reluctantly. "You didn't tell me we look so alike Uruha-kun." She glared at him. "Alike? I don't see it." He stated. Aoi walked in, eating some cheese puffs. "You want some?" He offered. You took a few and thanked him. "And you, you're Uruha's girlfriend aren't you? I'm Aoi." He wiped off the orange powder on his pants to shake her hand. She ignored his hand and crossed her arms. "Woah. Looking up close, you and Y/N really look alike!" Aoi marveled. You laughed. "I don't see it." Uruha said taking some puffs. "Uruha are you stupid?! They could be twins!" Aoi said inspecting your faces. Misa frowned. "Well, I'm starving!" You said getting off your seat at the table, and going to the backyard alongside Aoi. "Thank you for the food!" You beamed at Kai, and surprisingly Ruki, who had both cooked. "It's delicious, thanks guys." Uruha said dejectedly. "What's up with you?" Reita asked scarfing down potato salad. "Nothing." Uruha replied poking his food with his fork.
Misa sat up suddenly. "Thank you for having me, but I'll be leaving now! She exclaimed as she grabbed her purse and left.
Oddly, Uruha made no attempt to stop her. "Did you two have a fight?" Inquired Kai. "Yeah. We broke up." I looked at my plate as the awkward silence seemed to fill the atmosphere.   "Lemme guess, she wasn't too happy that she looks just like Y/N right?" Ruki commented.
  Ok. Kill me now.
   "Yup." Uruha sighed.
   "Hmmm. So she's upset 'cuz she thinks  she's Y/N's replacement right? And you're sulking 'cuz you know that she's just a replacement." Reita added.
  Uruha's face grew red, and he left the table hurriedly. You also blushed, and by some miracle, followed him into the house.
((Aoi: @Uruha but you finna finish that potato salad or nah? Cuz it's bomb af))
    "Why're you following me?" Uruha turned towards you.
  " I don't know." You stopped and stood there, in the middle of the living room.
  "You're making me think I have a chance. So just leave me alone." Uruha blurted out before jogging towards the front door.
    You pulled his arm to make him stay.
As he turned to you, you got on your tippytoes and kissed him. You both fell into the kiss, forgetting that the others could probably see you through the crystal door to the backyard. You pulled away from him.
  "I don't know. But I think I'm in love with you." You said out of breath.
((Aoi does end up eating Uruha's potato salad))

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