Meeting At The Vet

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  "Just fill this paperwork while you wait."
"Yes. Thank you."
You took the clipboard from the secretary and walked back to your seat.

As you began filling it out, you felt Jojo start pulling at her leash.
Glancing in her direction you saw her playing with another dog.
Only when they became entangled between the leashes did you reach out to separate them. You knelt on the your knee to pull them apart, but 
a bigger hand had beat you to it.
Looking up, you were met by bright blue eyes.
"Sorry, she usually doesn't do this." You started, as you moved your hand away from the man's.
"It's ok. Koron doesn't usually like to play either." He said finally freeing them.
Standing up, you brushed the dust off your jeans.
"Is this your first time here? I haven't seen you before." He asked.
You nodded.
"This is Jojo's first visit. I just moved long has Koron been coming here?" You replied, sitting down again with Jojo now in your lap.
"Well... I'm not really sure actually." He laughed sitting beside you.
"Koron isn't my dog, he's my friend Ruki's dog." He answered.
You smiled, and pet the top of Koron's head gently.
"That's sweet. You know, that you're brining him for your friend." You got back to filling out the papers.
A few awkward moments later, your name was called.
"It was nice meeting you."
You grabbed Jojo and headed towards the vet's office.
"Wait!" You stopped walking and turned around.
"You said you were new here, maybe I could show you around sometime." He walked up to you, and handed you a small card.
(The Gazette: Uruha {guitarist} xxx-xxx-xxxx)
"Call me whenever."
He said sheepishly.
"Will do. Later, Uruha." You waved goodbye and walked in.
You re-read the small print on the card.
"Guitarist, huh." You smiled.

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