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I pulled up at grandpa's house and went inside. "Nicky! How's my granddaughter?" Grandpa asked. "Having fun." I told him. "I got tickets for the event this weekend." He told me. "Then we can go together." I told him. It was Tuesday and I had to be there Saturday morning.

Guess I get to help grandpa this week. "Oh I told the guys to come over for a few days. Two live in Oklahoma and the other two don't so the two that don't I'm letting them stay at my place until Saturday." I told grandpa. "That's nice." He told me.

"Oh and I've been having things moved around at night if you know what I mean." Grandpa added. I rolled my eyes and went up to Nash's room.

I sat down on the bed and looked around the room. They distributed his grave so this would have happened. Wood scooting made me look towards the buckles in their cases.

"Nash you don't fool me brother. I know you've been here because all of your stuff is here." I had to get this out. "If your wondering why your not with me in person it's because dad kept holding me back. I wanted to get out there to save you. You would be smirking at me and teasing me on how I'm doing things and how crazy I am.

"Made it as a Dickies bullfighter. You would have been a bull rider with PBR. All you would have sustained was a broken neck that could have healed over the year. If dad didn't hold me back. It was his fault your not alive.

"I miss you and want you to be here in person with me bro. I got the truck fixed in a day. I cleaned the engine up and changed the oil. Then got three miles away from the drive and had to call to get a battery for it.

"The guys are hilarious when they're goofing off. I got to meet your favorites. They were cool. I moved out of our parents house after regionals and brought all of your stuff here after state. Man do I wish you were here."

I felt better after saying my thoughts. I knew he was listening like he always has. That's the thing about Nash he was a great listener when you needed to ramble on about your problems.

I got up and felt something against my forehead. "Your the best brother I've ever had." I said aloud then left the room.

I went downstairs and outside. The guys were here finally. "Oh Nicky I've been waiting for you since you left." Grandpa said turning to face me. "BJ needs to be put down." I smirked and ran into the house.

I got my chaps and vest. Then went outside. "Leather gloves?" I asked grandpa. "In the barn." I kissed his cheek and ran to the barn. I found the gloves and slipped them on.

The guys and grandpa were watching from the fence. I had no idea how BJ was going to act about this but I knew he was going to be dead by the end.

Grandpa released him into the arena and I climbed in. He saw me and charged I grabbed his horns before he could gore me. He pushed me back harder than before.

I hit the fence and put my boots up on the bottom metal wire. I twisted his head. He snorted and continued to shove me.

I moved up one then two getting even with him. I looked into the dark pits of his eyes and brought up all the anger and sadness this bull and dad caused me. I twisted myself so I could break his neck.

Then pulled his head with me. I heard a pop and knew his neck broke under the pressure. He dropped to the ground, barely breathing. I got up on his side right above his lungs and heart. I jump once and his chest caved in.

He stopped breathing for good. I pulled my pocket knife out and cut him open. He's always wanted to kill me so I always wanted to kill him. Exactly like he killed my brother.

Except I took out his heart and stepped on it crushing it with one step.

Four years ago age fourteen
"Nicky mom and dad are fighting again." Nash said coming into my room. "Wanna go out to the pasture and swim?" I asked. It was winter and we both were tired of our parents fighting.

There was a time when our family was happy, but now it's broken. "Nicky it's winter!" "Worth a shot." "How about we go visit grandpa?" "I can agree to that any day." I told my twin.

We jumped up and grabbed our coats and ran down the hall to the door. Both of us pulled our boots on and ran outside and across the two pastures to grandpa's. Both of us had clothes over at grandpa's so we didn't need to worry about that.

This is what we've been doing for the past two years. We're turning fifteen this year and are going to be freshmen in high school once were done with middle school. I love watching the bullfighters on PBR each weekend.

We went into the barn to find grandpa trying to move bales into the truck. Both of us grabbed a pair of gloves and climbed up to help him. "There's my grandchildren. Always there when I need help."

"Just rest grandpa and we'll do it for you. We'll even feed for you." Nash told him. Grandpa nodded and got off the pile of hay. We finished stacking the hay when grandpa told us it was enough.

Then Nash put the cattle feed in the back of the truck and closed the tailgate. We got up on the sides of the flatbed truck and rode to the gates. Nash and I took turns opening and closing gates until all the cattle were fed.

From then on we helped and fed the cattle for our grandpa.

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