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"Nicky come on we've gotta get to Billings." I lifted my head and looked around. "Come on you've been asleep since after dinner last night. It's three in the afternoon." I nodded and got out of bed.

He let me get a quick shower and get dressed to go. Then we loaded our stuff up. Off to Billings.

When we got to Billings he went straight to the arena. I got my duffle and we went in. I got changed and stood by.

Flint went out in the ring. "Now we're going to have some fun. A bull will appear on the screen and it will be matched with one of the bullfighters. Ok?"

The guys and I laughed about it. "Ok Asteroid is the bull and Nicky is the bullfighter." Flint looked around. "How can that be? I guess she's tougher than the boys."

I laughed and the guys chuckled. "This guy is goofy." I turned to see Jess beside me. "Now how about the bull rider?" The crowd shouted out who they thought was going to be up there. The screen rolled through all of the riders and landed on Jess'.

"Well then, the young gun, the lady and the bada**." I shook my head. Jess kissed my cheek. "Your gonna have to ask me out if your gonna give me another kiss." I told him. "Next round."

"Well then would you like to be my girl?" "How's that?" "Would you be my girlfriend?" I giggled and leaned on him. "I better get ready for the ride." He whispered to me before kissing my cheek.

I giggled again. "Ooh Nicky's getting some." Cody said as the guys were watching nearby. "Shut up." I said blushing. Second night and this is what's happening.

Three of us went in. I was one of the three. I stood waiting, waiting for the bull to bust out. When it did we waited for it to buck its rider off. I jumped out of the way before it could slam me.

"Nicky." I turned and dove under the bull just in time and getting back to my feet. The rider was off and on the ground groaning. I never saw the bull. I was flipped into the air and landed hard on my left side.

When the bull was out of the ring I was able to get up. Cody and Jesse helped me to my feet. "You ok girl? That was some landing." I nodded. "My side hurts."

"Sit out a few and see if you feel better." I nodded. I couldn't breathe. My side feels like something broke. I went back to the medical station to see Tandy.

"Hey Nicky I thought you'd come back here." Tandy said. I sat down and let him check my side out. I winced when he touched my ribcage.

"Might have a few bruised and broken ribs. Is it hard to breathe?" I nodded. "I wouldn't go back out there until the next event." I nodded again as he put a wrap on my ribs.

"Your good to go." I got up and walked out. "You ok?" Shorty asked. "Few broken ribs and possibly bruised." I told him. "Rest up." "I will." I got out of my gear and laid back on a bench.

Man that felt better. I put my arms over my head and tried to breathe. It made it easier but not by much. At the end of the night I got up and almost couldn't carry my bag out.

"I've got it." Jess came up and got my bag from me. "Thanks." "Rough night?" I nodded still hurting. "Well I won't drive to my place then." "I don't care I just want to lay down and rest."

He pulled into a motel and got a room. First thing I did was lay down on my back. I kicked my boots off and laid there. "Which side?" He asked. "Left." I put ice on it and fell asleep.

I'm guessing he stayed with me because I never heard him leave.

I woke up pretty early and was still hurting

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I woke up pretty early and was still hurting. "Here take this." I looked over at Jess and he was handing me some painkillers and water. I took them and laid there.

"Feel any better than last night?" He asked sitting on the edge of the bed. "I hope so." "My mom called me last night and asked why I wasn't home. I told her I had to help out a friend."

I nodded. He kissed my forehead. "She said to take care of that friend and come home. But I didn't go home last night. Because I wanted to stay with you to make sure you were ok."

He'd disobey his parents just to make sure I was alive and well?

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