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Jasper x Rose.
1. Jasper hates Rose, which is very obvious as she is always trying to destroy the Crystal Gems, specifically Steven/Rose.
2. Rose shattered Pink Diamond, which was who Jasper and Rose originally obeyed. In other words, Rose murdered who Jasper looked up to XD
3. Jasper seemed to have a goal of taking over Earth and getting rid of Rose.
4. As usual, Rose was a good guy, Jasper's a bad guy. Rose is with Crystal Gems, Jasper is with Homeworld. Rose loves everything about Earth, Jasper hates everything about Earth.
5. They're both Quartz's
6. They're both big
7. Both have lots of hair... are the last three even reasons?
8. It would have been pretty cute if Rose made Jasper see the Earth differently but... nah.
Art by: snowflake-owl on DA
A/N: As always, thanks for reading! Almost at 3k reads somehow... It's cool that that many people like Steven Universe haha. Anywhooo I have marching band for three days this week, and then school starts on Monday savemepleaseIdon'twanttogotohell yet :P XD but I'll keep updating. I won't be able to update everyday because of school and marching band, so sorry.

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