Chapter Twenty-Seven: Well... That Happened.

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Ben's POV

"So, what are we going to do about James Armistead? Are we going to let him in the circle?" Mandy suddenly asked, standing up from her chair. I cocked my head at her in confusion.

"Who is this ...James Armistead... you speak of? Tell me, what do you know about him?" I inquired, as she walked closer to me, being careful not to step on anyone's feet.

Night had fallen, and the rest of the Ring (Lee included, sadly) was meeting in my tent to discuss recent findings. Such as this new piece of information.

"Well, from my understanding and what Lafayette has told me-"

The flap to the tent flew open, and the occupants of the room (Abe, Anna, Caleb, Lee, Mandy, and I) gasped in surprise as the General and Alice entered, Lafayette and Hamilton trailing behind them.

"General Washington, sir!" I exclaimed, remembering to slip back into calling him by his ceremonial name. "Forgive me, but is there an emergency of some sort?"

"No, we just wanted to reconnect with you. It's been too long since I last saw you, Benjamin." Washington winked, and I struggled to keep the laugh inside me.

"Sure. Twenty four hours is a very long time, sir." I drawled, and I could see Washington fighting the smile that threatened to escape him.

"Now, now Benjamin. That is no way to talk to your commander." George playfully scolded me, smirking. Abe, Anna, Lee, and Caleb's heads followed us back and forth as if they were watching us play a very intense game of cards. Lafayette, Hamilton, Alice, and Mandy just shrugged, and started talking quietly amongst themselves. They were used to our casual banter by now.

"General, aren't you going to punish him for talking back to you? That is rude after all." Simpered Lee, and I could feel my blood boil. George's eyes narrowed, and I could see his anger starting to build. He was a rather short fuse after all. Quick to anger, slow to please.

That's George Washington for you, folks.

The time for fun and games was over.

"General Lee, you would do well to remember that you are still on probation after your recent crimes of treason. Though I have decided to give you a second chance, most of my officers do not agree with that choice. So, I suggest you watch your step." Washington lectured, turning his back on Lee for a minute.

Well, that was a bad idea.

Admist the peace and quiet, if you could call it that, of the tent, nobody ever noticed Charles Lee fiddling with a black pistol, a maniacal twinkle in his eyes. We never noticed him aiming it at our General's back, or the concentration expressed on his face.

Nobody noticed anything.

Except Alice.

Eyes widening, she looked from the pistol, to George, and back to the pistol again. Just as she caught Lee's eye, the gun went off, and she shoved George out of the way, panic evident on her face.

"What was that for!" He complained, glaring at her with his arms crossed. Then he saw Lee, whose face held a smug expression

"NO!" Alice growled, wrestling the pistol out of Lee's hands and holding the gun to his forehead. His smugness disappeared as she did so. Reaching into his boot, he took out out a long, silver knife. While Alice was busy chewing him out at gunpoint, Lee managed to throw the knife. It flew through the air, straight toward George.

Well, that happened...

Washington's POV

I imagine death so much it feels like a memory... Is this where it gets me?

Frozen in place, I watched as the knife sped toward me, seemingly unable to move. I saw Alice, whose head whipped around at Lee's sudden movement, eyes widening.

"GEORGE! Get out of the way!" She yelled, but I could not seem to heed her advice. I began to count down the seconds until the knife hit, closing my eyes.










On one, I fell over, engulfed in a world of pitch-black darkness.

I knew no more.

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