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Mike grinned stupidly and chuckled, "Promise."

He could hear Eleven's stomach growling from across the room.

"Mike... Do you have eggos?"

"Oh, yeah, I'll go get them."

Mike ran up the stairs as fast as he could so he could get the waffles before anyone else could get to them. Come on, come on- finish toasting!!! The waffles popped out from the toaster and he ran back down to the basement carefully to make sure the waffles didn't fall.

"Here," Mike smiled. "I brought some syrup too, I think you'd like it."

El took the plate from Mike's hands- and they accidentally touched.

It was almost as if time had frozen still in that moment, as they sat on the basement floor staring in each other's eyes until Mike broke the silence.

"Well uh, Dustin, Lucas and Will are coming over in a bit to play some Dungeons and Dragons."

"Dungeons and Dragons?"

"Oh, it's this really cool game! I can show you how to play if you want me to."

El smiled and nodded.

Shortly after El had eaten her eggos and nearly finished the entire bottle of maple syrup, the boys came to play Dungeons and Dragons.


Dustin punched his hands on the table "Are you serious?! Every time!"

El looked at the Demogorgon piece and had flashbacks to the Upside Down. She starts hyperventilating and the boys focus their attention on her. Will stares at El before saying, "The Upside Down... The monster. It looks like the Demogorgon."

El flung the piece out of her sight and Mike grabbed her in his arms to calm her down.

"Lucas, get some tissues for me," Mike said.

She felt warm in Mike's embrace and was glad that she now has something to call home...

And that home was Michael Wheeler.

Stranger Things: Mike x ElevenWhere stories live. Discover now