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~Mike's P.O.V~
My heart was beating so fast, but I didn't really know why. You've kissed her and you're nervous about a hug? Really, Mike?

"I love you, Mike."

My eyes widened. Did she just? Did she? Did I just hear the full sentence? I felt my temperature rise, and there's no doubt that my cheeks were red.

"I-i love you too, El."

Something wasn't right though. The house was quiet... Nancy had to be around, eavesdropping. That's when I heard it. "Awwwwwww!"

Nancy walked in and El started to blush and get nervous. "You guys are too cute," Nancy said. "Can't wait for the wedding."

"Nancy," I groaned in embarrassment. "Is this necessary?"

"Nope. But I love doing it."

I noticed El stepping back slowly, trying not to get in the way of our usual bickering, "I'll be in the basement..."

I glared at Nancy, and as usual I just got laughed at. "And the award for worst sister of the year goes to," I pretend to open an envelope. "Gasp! Nancy Wheeler!"

I walked down the stairs to find El sitting in the small tent playing around with her powers. She stopped when I was at the bottom of the steps and motioned me over to sit down.

We were silent, just staring at each other. Her brown eyes sparkled. She's so pretty... I thought. She blushed and switched her focus to her feet, Did she hear that somehow? My mom yelled from the top of the stairs, "Dinner is ready!"

I walked upstairs with El. Sitting at the table was quite awkward. Nancy would keep wiggling her eyebrows, winking, making kiss faces, and giggling. I wanted to kick her under the table but I knew I would get in trouble for it and "I'm stretching my legs" probably isn't a good excuse anyway.

We finished dinner and I've never been happier to leave, I've been freed from the wrath of Nancy Wheeler! We had dinner late, about 8:45, so when we finished it was time for us to start heading to bed. I quickly changed and went back down to the basement to say goodnight to El.

I walked over to El who was already laying down on her bed. "Goodnight, Mike."

I kissed her forehead, "Goodnight, El." I was about to walk away when I felt her grab my arm.

She smiled at me and said, "When we're older, I want us to be together. To be happy forever..."

I smiled, "We will."



Stranger Things: Mike x ElevenWhere stories live. Discover now