♡ Just An Author's Note ♡

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I just want to say thank you for the positive feedback I'm getting. I never would've expected my fanfic to get really anything over 10 reads, and I really appreciate the votes and comments.

All this positive feedback is so great, and I'm glad you're enjoying reading the story as much as I'm enjoying writing it.

If you have any suggestions for the fanfic, whether it's a suggestion for the next chapter or a song to include in a chapter (80s or gives an 80s/Stranger Things feel would be more fitting) I'll gladly take them into consideration!

But please, nothing spicy for chapter suggestions, let's try to keep it innocent. I'm sure we all hope for little Mikes and Elevens in the future, but for now let's try to remember that they're only 12... I'm sure you can find that somewhere on tumblr though if you look hard enough.

Thank you so much (again) for your votes and comments. ♡

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