Just So Y'all Know

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I'm thinking that the next part I publish is going to be the last one in this fanfic.


I know.

I'm sorry.

I just feel like I'm running out of ideas. I know a lot of you really like it, and I love writing it, trust me!


I'm thinking I could do a more dramatic fan fiction, or maybe a story inspired by Stranger Things. Would you guys like that?

For the story inspired by ST it wouldn't be the same setting, I would have it set in the present day (because I have tons of ideas on what music to include), and it would be this group of teenagers who are escaping a lab and trying to find their own way in the world. Now that I write it down I don't really know how far I can get with it... But I can't knock it till I try it!

And as for the more "dramatic" fanfic it would just be... Drama (and at the longest- 5 parts). I don't really want to give to much info on that one but I will give you one hint (that could possibly give it away).

Dreams do come true.

Again I'm so sorry, but look on the bright side: with one story finished another story can start!

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