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A/N: This one is going to be written in 1st person, just for fun. I may continue to write in 1st person but we'll see.

~Eleven's P.O.V~
Mike's body was warm when he wrapped his arms around me. All I needed was a look or a hug and everything would get better in seconds, like every problem would just melt away. I still had tears in my eyes, but I wiped them away. Mike looked at me with his warm brown eyes, he held my shoulders and spoke, "It's going to be okay."

I looked around the room, and I was getting hungry. "Is there food I can eat?" I said a lot more than I usually do just now. That's more than a word or two at a time, which shocked Mike. He gasped and his jaw dropped, "You talk more now!" He seemed really excited which brightened my mood a bit. I questioned how I knew some of these words, but I figured it was probably because my brain was able to piece together words I would hear on a daily basis from the Wheelers and Mike's friends. Mike couldn't ignore that I could now speak in proper, full sentences, "How does it feel to talk?"

I thought about it for a little while, it did feel a little different. "I guess I feel... Normal?"

Mike smiled, "Anyway, how about some eggos?"

Mike got the waffles and toasted them as I sat at the dining room table patiently waiting for food. After about 3 minutes, he came back into the room and I started to eat. Yes! Something to eat!

"So," Mike looked concerned. This can't be good... "What happened in your dream?"

I felt my eyes fill with tears, and I tried to fight it. It was no use, I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks. Before I knew it, I was sobbing, "T-they took you a-away, and I w-was alone. T-the p-people from the lab..." I couldn't say anything else, all I could do was cry and words were just squeaks.

Mike wiped my tears away and held my hands, trying to calm me down. He looked deeply into my eyes and said "It's okay. I'm right here. And I promise that I will always be here." Mike pulled me into a long hug, which was definitely what I needed. Tears stopped falling and I stopped sniffling. He knows just what to do to make me feel better.

"Thank you." I don't know what I could ever do without Mike...

Because I love him.

Another A/N: I know this is a more relaxed chapter, and I'm sorry if it isn't that great. I had originally wanted some drama but it would definitely take out the romance aspect of my fanfic, which would kinda defeat it's purpose. I'm considering making that a separate thing though- let me know what you guys think! ALSO- HOLY! MOLY! BOI. 1K?!?!?! HOW?! THAT'S INSANE THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!

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