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Snowball, the day everyone in Hawkins Middle was waiting for. Or maybe just Mike.

In his room upstairs, he was getting dressed, or really trying to look his best for El still not having picked out an outfit. How do I even dress for this? Do I go for a button down? A tux? His mother then yelled from downstairs, "Michael, are you done getting dressed yet?"

No. "Yeah mom, I'll be down in a minute!"

As Mike was still trying to figure out what he would wear, Nancy was in the basement with El picking out a dress. "How about this one?" El stayed silent, shaking her head. "Okay then, I guess not this one..." Nancy took a blue dress and showed El, "What about this?"

El smiled and changed into the dress and Mike came down to the basement in a white button down, staring in awe at El in her dress.

"Pretty?" El asked.

Still staring, Mike said, "More than pretty... Beautiful."

Nancy giggled, singing "Mike and Eleven sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Mike gave his sister a death glare but she only laughed harder. Under his breath he muttered, "Jonathan lover..."

The drive to the dance was silent, with a few smiles and awkward laughs. I hope I can find something to talk about at the dance, otherwise I'm totally screwed. They pulled up to Hawkins Middle and could see students flooding into the school's gymnasium.

Mrs. Wheeler turned to face Mike and El who were sitting in the backseat, "Well, have fun! I'll pick you up when the dance is over."

Mike exited the car and walked to the other side to open the door for El. Mrs. Wheeler drove off which meant the night had officially begun for the two.

Mike turned to face El, "Shall we?" El placed her hand in his and they entered the school gym, which was decorated with blue and white balloons and streamers, dozens of paper snowflakes hanging from the ceiling all varying in size.

It was a night full of trips to the fruit punch bowl, and awkward silences, El and Mike were probably the only two who weren't dancing. But then came the last song of the night.

Of course, a slow song... As if I couldn't be awkward enough tonight. But this could be good, just ask her, what could go wrong? "So uh... May I have this dance, milady?" He asked with a nervous chuckle.


"Yeah, um like this... I hope you don't mind." Mike placed his hands on her shoulders and she did the same, they slowly stepped to the music. "You're doing great, El." He began to blush, and felt the urge to kiss her. But I can't, there's so many people watching, and the chaperones are here... Do I? You know what... Screw it!

He leaned in closer to El's face and gave her a soft kiss on the lips, luckily the crowd in the center of the gym was big enough for none of the teachers to notice. But Mike made sure to double check if anyone saw what happened, and he could see Dustin giving two thumbs up and a wink in the crowd not too far away. Well at least it wasn't a chaperone.

And that kiss was probably the highlight of Michael Wheeler's week.

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