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"We should probably head back, my parents are gonna be back home soon."

They got up from the bench and got back on the bike. El did what she normally does and wrapped her arms tightly around Mike. He made sure to pedal slowly this time, because he enjoyed having El's arms so tight around him.

It began to snow lightly, just as they arrived at their house. El struggled to pull herself away from Mike, but she managed to hop off the bike. She was amazed by the snow thinking, How could these tiny things be coming down from up there?

Mike walked over to El and watched the snow come down. She noticed white specks fall on his hair and stick to his eyelashes and she immediately tried to wipe them off him.

"Relax, El," he laughed. "They don't hurt. See?" He stuck his tongue out and let the flakes fall on it. She did the same and giggled as the snowflakes would fall.

"Let's get inside," Mike said. "It looks like the snow is going to get pretty bad soon, and it's getting colder." He held her hand even though they were just walking to the door, but it's become a habit to hold her hand when they're walking.

Before El could give Mike's jacket back, he had already disappeared to get blankets.

Mike was shivering. He took El's coat, put it on a hanger and handed her a blanket. "We can make hot cocoa if you want," Mike offered. "It's really good, especially on cold days."

They walked to the kitchen, took two mugs and make the cocoa. "Do you want any marshmallows?"

El picked up a marshmallow and ate it. She had more marshmallows than cocoa in the mug. They went back to the living room after they finished their drinks and covered themselves in fuzzy blankets to warm up. On the couch, they were cuddling and had fallen asleep in minutes.

Hours later, Mike was nudged awake by El. Her nose was bleeding and her eyes were filled with tears. His eyes widened with concern, "El, what happened?!" He wrapped his arms around her and held her until she started to breathe normally and she spoke, saying more words than usual, "I thought I lost you. Bad dream..."

"El, I promise that I will do everything I can to prevent that from happening."

She looked deep into Mike's eyes. "Mike," she said tearfully. "I can't lose you."

~Author's Note~
I know the song I used probably doesn't fit this chapter, especially the end, but I really like the idea of choosing a song for you guys to listen to as you read (thank you @Idiot_1234 for suggesting the song, I tried as best as I could to fit the song in).

Also, at the time I'm writing this we have 804 reads. BOII. That. Is. SO. AWESOME. We're so close to 1k, and that's amazing. I'll try to crank out even better chapters for you guys because you guys deserve it for being so awesome. Thank you so much!!!

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