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Mike began to panic- Wait, did I'd just say what I think I did? No no no... I didn't, did I? You don't even know if she loves you, you can't just throw that world around! Mike started to speak, "El, I'm s-" he was interrupted. Not by Nancy, not by the radio...

But by a kiss.

His eyes widened, and he melted into yet another kiss. Eleven peeled herself away and they both grinned. "Hold on," Mike said. "I'm going to be right back."

He ran outside his house and yelled as loud as he could, "SHE KISSED ME! I MICHAEL WHEELER, HAVE BEEN KISSED BY ELEVEN, THE GIRL WHO LIVES IN MY BASEMENT!" A few of the neighbors came to look outside at what was going on. Mike was running up and down the sidewalk with his fists up in the air like an Olympian who just won their first gold.

He ran back into his house, El waiting for him behind the front door.

She smiled, "Me too."

Mike opened the door again, "Give me a few seconds." He ran outside again.


He walked back in casually, "I'm finished."

Mike felt like he needed to leave the house, of course with El, "Let's go somewhere."


"Anywhere is fine, as long as you're there."

She smiled at him, her brown eyes sparkling, "Okay, Mike."

He yelled out to Nancy, "Me and El are leaving for a bit, we'll be back!"

She yelled back, "Whatever. I'll still be here anyway."

Mike held out his hand for El, she took it and they left. They got on his bike and they rode to the closest park. El's arms were wrapped tightly around him and she rested her head on his shoulder.

In less than five minutes, they had arrived. They sat on a bench and El scooted closer to Mike so she could lean her head on his shoulder. She was shivering, even wearing her winter coat, so Mike took his jacket off and put it over her like a small blanket.

She spoke softly, "Thank you."

They sat on the bench silent, but they didn't care. It was like they didn't need to speak.

Because all Mike needed was to be around El to be happy.

Stranger Things: Mike x ElevenWhere stories live. Discover now