0.4; love is not over

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love is not over based off bts 'love is not over'

"Love is so painful

Goodbyes are even more painful

I can't go on if you're not here

Come back to my arms"

(lyrics of song)

'DEAR kim tae hyung.

hey, its been a few weeks now, how are you? im not doing well. i don't know how we broke up or what i did wrong, we just stopped talking. did we even break up? i heard that you have a new girlfriend, i hope she's good to yo-'

i stopped writing. i crunched up the piece of paper, threw it in the bin and got my phone out.

to; kim taehyung

"meet me at the park at 4:30pm on saturday. we need to talk"

i pressed sent, and immediately regretted my descision. ughhh

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