0.9; bus rides

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bus rides

there's this guy. this cute guy. that takes my bus everyday, and sits next to me in the back row. it was early in the morning, and i got on the bus, and two stops after, he got on aswell, and sat beside me. i could see his head swinging, andd he started to fall asleep. the bus turned and all of a sudden, i felt weight on my shoulder, and i didn't know what to do. it was almost my stop, and he wasn't budging at all. i awkwardly looked down at his uniform to see that he came from my school. 

"um, excuse me?" i looked at him peacefully napping on me, "its our stop..." i tried to sit up, the bus had already stopped. i lifted off the chair, his head still on me, but i felt a sudden yank to my arm.


"just stay like this for 5 more minutes." he didn't even open an eye. was he awake this entire time?'



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