0.6; admirer

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i'm a massiveee fangirl for bigbang. i've hidden that fact from most of my friends, i don't know why, maybe i was embarrased by it? well until one day during lunch, i was sitting by myself on a bench listening to bang bang bang with my earphones plugged in. chatting sounds and shouts from people playing around were all that you could hear, and then "BANG BA-" i had accidentally unplugged my earphones. oops. i quickly hit mute before any of the song continued. after a small amount of staring, no one was looking at me anymore. or at least i thought.

"to be honest i prefer bae bae better." 

a voice said to me. i felt someone sit next to me on the bench, and when i turned to see who it was, he had already pulled an earphone out of my ear and put it in his own. kim taehyung. 


aw someone please write this, the 

story would be so cute, omg

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