3.5; invisibly visible

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dropplets of rain hit my face, they felt bigger and heavier than usual. i treaded with my head hung low.

  i can't believe i-

my thoughts were disrupted by loud footsteps running towards me, making splashes in the rain, followed by a shoulder momentarily brushing by mine.


that voice..

my head turned around to the voice that felt so known, so warm. no one was there. i looked around at the deserted pathway she passed me on. there wasn't anybody there, not even a trace.

where'd she go?

my head turned all around, so much i felt sick. i had a clear view, but couldn't see her at all. this wasn't the first time. once or twice before i passed someone with such a distinct voice that i couldn't pick up or remember but i was never able to catch up to them. they just disappeared. it felt so familiar yet i couldn't lay a finger on it. i gave up and continued walking ahead until i felt a hand on my shoulder. i jolted and tossed around like a fish out of water, there wasn't anyone there. 

my fear grew.

"is anyone there?"

i heard the woman's voice call out. i couldn't see anyone, i just felt a prescence.

"i can hear you! where are you?"

woah what a weird plot

and a weird title

inspired from kimi no na wa asdfghjkl ahh

haven't updated since june 2017 ohmygash

happy new year guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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