1.1; reset

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reset alternative title; restart

its been such a bad week. i forgot to hand in my english assignment and got zero, i stepped on some girl's foot and she punched me, and i woke up late today and im not in detention for it. except, i know that tomorrow, everything is going to reset, and i will have to start the entire week again. but this time, im not only going to hand in my assignment on time, not step on her foot and wake up early, but im going to forget about putting that love letter in his locker. i already know im going to get rejected, so why bother.

"why wouldn't you choose to send me another love letter? i love laughing my head off at them." a deep voice whispered in my ear. i swear i didn't say it out loud, i swear i didn't. but how did he know what i thought?


i dont know where this would

go, but i think it would be a 

pretty coo story.

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